Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Weekending second half of August 2024

August 23-25
Coming off of two concerts - two close to 2 am bedtimes in a row - Friday was a struggle. I had to keep repeating to myself, "you can do this" as I worked through noon, put laundry away, packed up food and car and dogs, and drove down to the shore. I hit the beach late. Saturday we were the cleaners as our crew was doing back to college stuff. When we were finished I rode my bike to the library, then hit the beach later in the afternoon. Mozz sticks and ice cream, the dinner of champions. Sunday morning MFD and QV left before 6:30. I painted my nails, made iced tea and french onion dip, cut up veggies, cleaned my birkenstocks, and relaxed. Our niece Maddi and her boyfriend were down for the day so I saw them for beach tags and chairs, and I hit the beach myself in the afternoon. Otherwise lots of walking and reading and relaxing. 

August 30-September 3...long Labor Day weekend 
Summer hours Friday, people checking out Saturday and fam and friends arriving. Nice beach days, a goodbye to Wonderland Pier with a ferris wheel ride, and the 5th Anniversary of the Great American Smokeout with lots of smoke, games, etc. Also celebrated MFD's birthday and Michelle's birthday!


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