Monday, August 19, 2024

Weekending first half of August 2024

August 2-4
Friday I made my way down to the shore and hit the beach around 4. Shore house guests had rented a golf cart for the week - a first for our house. Saturday was an easy turnover - always love that when it's first time guests leaving, you never know what you're going to get - then painted my nails and hit the beach. I walked down to the Art of Surfing from the beach and got linner from the Promenade pizza shop, first time this year. MFD convinced me we had time to go to the boardwalk around 8:45 and be back before the rain at 9:30 but alas the sheets of rain came down at 9. I left him at cinnabon and beat feet home but had to pause under an overhang for about 10 minutes and completely change when I got home. Sunday I went to ShopRite, stopped by the fishing pier on the way back into town, then did the beach for a bit. Sunset was fantastic as it often is after a storm rolls through. 

August 9-11
Another Friday afternoon commute to the shore. It was cold and misty when I got here like I wore my raincoat on my 5 pm beach walk, but the sun did come out. Saturday was a super easy turnover with longtime guests leaving - they always leave the house in fantastic shape and they always leave gifts. It was a great beach day. Sunday I hit the library and the beach to do some more beachcombing and reading and walked down to the bay at sunset.
August 16-18
Do I love a summer Friday, yes. Even when people come to the beach after me and set their chairs right up my asshole until I turn around and stare at them three times to move. If you can touch someone else's chair (that you don't know) and there is available space elsewhere on the beach, you are too close. MFD took all the dogs except Mup home Friday afternoon just as Sarah, Harry, and Liz were arriving. Mup and I couched it with Harry and did turnover which was easy as longtime great guests were leaving - they always leave a gift. I was going to do the beach for a bit but headed back to Philly instead and made quick rounds to Produce Junction for veg and flowers and the grocery store for a few necessities. My first Harris sign came so MFD put that out for me, and he made filets and salad for dinner and I made brownies. Sunday he was working and I went to Mom & Rich's for lunch and a pool day. 


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