Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Weekending second half of July 2024

July 19-22
Friday morning I was a prolonged victim of the dreaded windows outtage. By the time I got back on it was Friday summer hours and I was taking them. Friday night I dropped QV off to her foster's for the weekend and attended a backyard hang for Beth's 40th in Media. Saturday morning we left by 8 for Dad & Carol's and headed into Lewes for a walk around. MFD found a new pipe with a D on it at the antique store so of course had to buy it. We had lunch at Agave, stopped at another antiques store, and hung around outside until my brother, Aub, and the kids arrived from their extended NC vacation. Hotdogs and hamburgers and crushed potatoes and ice cream, the Phillies, and bed. Sunday we had a big breakfast then went to Rehoboth to bop around - MFD went to the beach, I trolled some shops, everyone else did the games and then we had lunch at Rehoboth Ale House when the news hit of Biden dropping out. We headed back to Dad & Carol's before doing sunset on the beach complete with cartwheels and a dog living its best life before heading home and running down to see the Shook fam under the light of a full moon. Monday MFD and I left around noon, picked up QV, and got home around 4. I painted my nails and called it a day. 

July 26-28
Friday I had breakfast with a coworker at Pretty Bird in Yardley and took full advantage of summer hours in the afternoon, lounging around and watching the opening ceremonies. I was in bed before 8:30. Oop. Saturday MFD and I did a quick back and forth to the shore for turnover made awesome by soem gifts left behind by Melissa & Jim. Another trashcan maggot scenario, vomit. At least he was there to deal with them this time. We got back home at 3 something, showered, and headed to the annual Sannelli summer BBQ to catch up with our peeps and covertly root for the hotdog eating beagle BB. We got home around 12:30 and I was up another hour. Whew. Sunday I slept in and then felt off all day. I returned a bunch of shit to Nordstrom Rack, did a quick stroll through Homegoods looking for shore bedding with no luck, picked up a Target order, cleaned up my room and purged two drawers I've been meaning to purge for six months...of course this took 10 minutes. Why do I sit on this. I also cleaned the shower and put up a new organizer in there. We went to MFD's Gram's for dinner with her and his uncle, bringing Mark's fantastic lasagna from our freezer. Another early to bed night.

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