Thursday, July 18, 2024

Weekending first half of July 2024

July 4-7
Lake - pitstop in Philly - shore long weekend that actually felt like a long weekend, which we love. Thursday Lori and I had our annual 9 am Fourth of July hotdog from the fire house at the Montrose celebration and wandered around the green where there were so many more tents this year than normal. I was feeling off and was happy to relax and read the rest of the day. Friday I woke up and knew I had a UTI even though it's been 10 years since I had one. Lori took the dogs, I did telehealth and lay back down, and we headed out to pick up my prescription and went out to Russel Farms where I got delicious peaches and tomatoes. I was operating at about 50% all day so lots of laying down, some snoozing and reading. If you are sick away from home, it's good to be somewhere that feels like home to you. Saturday I set off back to Philly for a pitstop to do a Target pickup and Aldi pop in, make pasta salad, unpack and re-pack my car, and left for the shore around 4:30. It was hotter than the devil's asshole in Philly and I was wearing long sleeves at the shore. Sunday I went to the library to pick up a much anticipated hold and had myself a beach day. Lots of reading and relaxing this weekend!

July 12-14
Friday my mom came over for a visit in the morning bearing the gift of bagels. A fresh everything bagel with cream cheese topped with cucumbers? Can't beat it. I had Friday hours which I ended up working through to get something done and also because I need to flex some time this coming Tuesday. I hastily threw together a bag and Saturday morning I was on my way to the shore solo while MFD held down the fort in Philly with all the pets. I did turnover, then went to the library, picked up a salad and some ice, and strolled down Asbury Avenue and back up the boardwalk, stopping for a Kohr Bros mint cone and people watching. Back at home I read and walked down to see the sunset. Sunday was a beach day, and I was happy to see my oldest friend Jen and Neil for a bit. More reading and nail painting and sunsetting and packing up to not be back for nearly two weeks and then early to bed. 

That'll do it. I still do reels on Instagram with snippets of the weekend and the musical accompaniment of a song I heard at some can always find them here



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