
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 2024 Reads

July is over? Time flies. I'd say we're deep into beach reading season, but my true beach reading season if there is one is August and September as July is the month of the year I'm at the shore the least.


Engrossing Reads

The Boy (Broussard and Fourcade #2) by Tami Hoag - The series settles into itself here, and this was a quick few hour read. OCNJ library hardcover

We Burn Daylight by Bret Anthony Johnston - Hard to put this one down.Set in Waco with multiple points of view and a cult storyline, this simultaneously felt familiar and entirely new to me. I loved the characters, especially the Sheriff and his wife. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review. 

The God of the Woods by Liz Moore - I can say with confidence this will be in my top five of favorite reads of the year. This is a big mama and I devoured it all in a few hours. Love Moore's writing and I really enjoyed this story. OCNJ library hardcover

A Clean Kill (Garrett Mann #1) by Steven Konkoly - I liked this, really liked the cast of characters and hope #2 follows quickly. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen - This one was stressful and I mean that in a complimentary way LOL. Super quick read. I enjoy Pekkanen's solo novels a lot. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review, book publishes 8/6

Passed the Time Just Fine

Till Death Do Us Part by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn - There's a LOT going on here. A lot. Which helped keep the book on a brisk pace, and I can never argue with that. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes 8/13

Wild Failure: Stories by Zoe Whittall - A good collection of shorts focused on women of all types with some dark humor thrown in for good measure. Super quick read. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Strange Folk by Alli Dyer - This hits two of my sweet spots: set in Appalachia and a little mystical magic. It also features one of my detractions: a willful youth character who fucks things up. Good pacing. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes 8/6

The Truth You Told (Raisa Susanto #2) by Brianna Labuskes -  A good sophomore effort in this series - I hope there are more, with more involvement from Raisa's sisters as well. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes 9/10

The Empress of Cooke County by Elizabeth Bass Parman - Based on the cover art, I definitely thought this was more along the lines of the lighter with a dip of serious themes Fannie Flag books but this was definitely heavier than I expected. A good reminder not to judge a book by its cover. I enjoyed the book I ended up reading, which is what matters. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes 9/3

A Thin Dark Line (Broussard and Fourcade #1) by Tami Hoag - It took me a bit to sink into this world, and the blatant sexism and misogyny in the work place was fucking frustrating to read through, but I liked it. OCNJ library paperback

No Road Home by John Fram - A good quick read full of nutters. Just what the doctor ordered for summer evenings reading in one sitting. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

The Teacher by Freida McFadden - This woman is wild and keeps getting away with it because we keep reading them LOL. Paperback copy, passed on to me, I passed on

Society of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown - This kept my attention and I could not really tell who was good and who was bad, which I enjoy. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. 

The Bookstore Wedding (Once Upon a Time Bookshop Stories #2) by Alice Hoffman - I mean if you're going to write two related short stories why not write six or eight or 10 and give us a novella? Come on, Alice. Amazon first reads free book per month

Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer  - I think this is being pushed as a romance? Loved the friendship trio in this book. Some parts of the story did not jive together but it was a quick and fine read. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review, book publishes 8/6

Not For Me

Memories of the Lost by Barbara O'Neal - My least favorite of hers due to it reading more like a fairy tale, which is not my jam. Still a well written book I was happy to finish. Definitely a good for you, not for me book - many people will enjoy this and I look forward to the next Barbara O'Neal. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. 

One Big Happy Family by Jamie Day - Not an easy read - it felt choppy and never found its rhythm. 
Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell - The miscommunication trope is not for me. This will be for many people. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

Did Not Finish

Don't Tell a Soul by Jessica Huntley - book publishes 8/4, free advanced copy from Netgalley

The Bitter End by Alexa Donne - book publishes 10/15, free advanced copy from Netgalley


What have you been reading?

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Weekending second half of July 2024

July 19-22
Friday morning I was a prolonged victim of the dreaded windows outtage. By the time I got back on it was Friday summer hours and I was taking them. Friday night I dropped QV off to her foster's for the weekend and attended a backyard hang for Beth's 40th in Media. Saturday morning we left by 8 for Dad & Carol's and headed into Lewes for a walk around. MFD found a new pipe with a D on it at the antique store so of course had to buy it. We had lunch at Agave, stopped at another antiques store, and hung around outside until my brother, Aub, and the kids arrived from their extended NC vacation. Hotdogs and hamburgers and crushed potatoes and ice cream, the Phillies, and bed. Sunday we had a big breakfast then went to Rehoboth to bop around - MFD went to the beach, I trolled some shops, everyone else did the games and then we had lunch at Rehoboth Ale House when the news hit of Biden dropping out. We headed back to Dad & Carol's before doing sunset on the beach complete with cartwheels and a dog living its best life before heading home and running down to see the Shook fam under the light of a full moon. Monday MFD and I left around noon, picked up QV, and got home around 4. I painted my nails and called it a day. 

July 26-28
Friday I had breakfast with a coworker at Pretty Bird in Yardley and took full advantage of summer hours in the afternoon, lounging around and watching the opening ceremonies. I was in bed before 8:30. Oop. Saturday MFD and I did a quick back and forth to the shore for turnover made awesome by soem gifts left behind by Melissa & Jim. Another trashcan maggot scenario, vomit. At least he was there to deal with them this time. We got back home at 3 something, showered, and headed to the annual Sannelli summer BBQ to catch up with our peeps and covertly root for the hotdog eating beagle BB. We got home around 12:30 and I was up another hour. Whew. Sunday I slept in and then felt off all day. I returned a bunch of shit to Nordstrom Rack, did a quick stroll through Homegoods looking for shore bedding with no luck, picked up a Target order, cleaned up my room and purged two drawers I've been meaning to purge for six months...of course this took 10 minutes. Why do I sit on this. I also cleaned the shower and put up a new organizer in there. We went to MFD's Gram's for dinner with her and his uncle, bringing Mark's fantastic lasagna from our freezer. Another early to bed night.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Weekending first half of July 2024

July 4-7
Lake - pitstop in Philly - shore long weekend that actually felt like a long weekend, which we love. Thursday Lori and I had our annual 9 am Fourth of July hotdog from the fire house at the Montrose celebration and wandered around the green where there were so many more tents this year than normal. I was feeling off and was happy to relax and read the rest of the day. Friday I woke up and knew I had a UTI even though it's been 10 years since I had one. Lori took the dogs, I did telehealth and lay back down, and we headed out to pick up my prescription and went out to Russel Farms where I got delicious peaches and tomatoes. I was operating at about 50% all day so lots of laying down, some snoozing and reading. If you are sick away from home, it's good to be somewhere that feels like home to you. Saturday I set off back to Philly for a pitstop to do a Target pickup and Aldi pop in, make pasta salad, unpack and re-pack my car, and left for the shore around 4:30. It was hotter than the devil's asshole in Philly and I was wearing long sleeves at the shore. Sunday I went to the library to pick up a much anticipated hold and had myself a beach day. Lots of reading and relaxing this weekend!

July 12-14
Friday my mom came over for a visit in the morning bearing the gift of bagels. A fresh everything bagel with cream cheese topped with cucumbers? Can't beat it. I had Friday hours which I ended up working through to get something done and also because I need to flex some time this coming Tuesday. I hastily threw together a bag and Saturday morning I was on my way to the shore solo while MFD held down the fort in Philly with all the pets. I did turnover, then went to the library, picked up a salad and some ice, and strolled down Asbury Avenue and back up the boardwalk, stopping for a Kohr Bros mint cone and people watching. Back at home I read and walked down to see the sunset. Sunday was a beach day, and I was happy to see my oldest friend Jen and Neil for a bit. More reading and nail painting and sunsetting and packing up to not be back for nearly two weeks and then early to bed. 

That'll do it. I still do reels on Instagram with snippets of the weekend and the musical accompaniment of a song I heard at some can always find them here



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Weekending last half of June

June 14-16
Friday night I did some food prep to the backdrop of music and a downpour, making cucumber salad, devilled eggs, macaroni salad, and marinating chicken thighs in a concoction of ketchup, garlic, soy sauce, W sauce, dijon, and random spices. Dad and Carol were in for the weekend. Saturday my brother and niece and nephew came over for Father's Day lunch. After that MFD and I drove up to Lititz to pick up Frank and Amanda and have dinner at a very MFD type establishment buffet before driving to Hershey for the Stevie Nicks concert which we found out was postponed while we were in line to park. We went back to their hotel and hung out for a bit before driving home - I love a good bathroom like the one in the Rock Lititz Hotel. Sunday was coffee out back, seeing Dad for Father's Day when he came back from golfing, stopping over to see Rich for Father's Day and my Mom for her birthday, and reading out back to cap off the night. 

June 21-23
Friday I did something extremely inadvisable which is run errands. Friday is always a terrible choice of time to run errands at the shore, but add in a ballooned summer population with people zigzagging all over the streets on foot, bike, scooter, car, electric bike, golf cart, and cars and it is like swallowing a beachball of anxiety. I attempted the library summer booksale when it started and it was insanely packed, I didn't even get to peruse the paperbacks. Then on to ACME and finally dropping thrift store donations. We spent the early evening in the North End and it was a beauty. We walked up to the boardwalk to see the full Strawberry Moon and grab cookies from Famous 4th Street. Saturday turnover was very easy which is always appreciated. I painted my nails (OPI Self Made green and OPI Just Lanai-ing Around pink) before heading to the beach for a few hours solo. The sun was brutal so I took refuge inside and on the porch. Sunday was a porch not beach day due to wind. I read, did a crossword, walked Bruce and Ben to the library to return a book. Sunday was a truly relaxing day in which my brain participated in said relaxation which does not happen often after the onset of perminopause - those racing thoughts are insane sometimes am I right.

June 28-30
A gorgeous early morning out back before I started work. Thankfully I was heading to the shore solo, no pets, when I was rerouted off 95 due to an accident and a drive that would normally take me an hour and 15 minutes at that time took me 2.5 hours. Man alive. I finished out the workday there, finished a book, and took a beach walk after work. 
I went into Saturday's turnover knowing a teen had peeled paint off the electric panel cover, but did not know I'd also be patching a wall. Whew. I had to leave it unpainted which I hate during the season. After that I did the beach from 2-7 where I read a whole book and gloryed in being alone and meandering around looking for pebbles. I threw everything in the car and drove back to Philly before 8.
Sunday MFD left for a week-long retreat. I did an at-home pedicure/nails, hit Produce Junction, returned shit and picked up at Target, and popped in to Aldi. I read and watched Grease 2, Dirty Dancing, and The Office to loosen up my brain. Bonus the glorious mammatus clouds at the end of a stormy day.

That'll do it. I still do reels on Instagram with snippets of the weekend and the musical accompaniment of a song I heard at some can always find them here



Tuesday, July 2, 2024

June 2024 Reads


Engrossing Reads
Storm Child (Cyrus Haven #4) by Michael Robotham - Cyrus Haven novels do not disappoint, and that holds for this fourth that reads as a final? Even though I hope it's not. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

This Used to Be Us by Renee Carlino - It’s been a while since I read a Renee Carlino and this one shredded me. A good read, definite tears through the last 15%. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 9

Sandwich by Catherine Newman - The way I sunk into this book. A great lit fiction family drama with some unexpectedly humorous parts. OCNJ hard cover

Swan Song (Natucket #4) by Elin Hilderbrand - A bang on solid beach read that moves at the speed of lightening and is as easy to digest. Blond Sharon, I'm rooting for you. OCNJ hard cover

A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey - I loved this story, Becks Saint James is so good she comes off the pages. The whole cast of supporting characters and the town of Beaufort are great too. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

The Burning (Kate Burkholder #16) by Linda Castillo -  very rarely have complaints about a Kate Burkholder, and #16 continues that streak. Man was I pissed off for her in this one though. Already can't wait for the next. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 9

Joe Nuthin's Guide to Life by Helen Fisher - I adored this book and all of it's characters. These notebooks should be given out to all people. OCNJ paperback

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center - My favorite of hers by far, I loved this story and everyone in it from start to finish. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

The Same Bright Stars by Ethan Joella - Read this on the beach in a few hours - the perfect setting to read this in. I really liked the chosen family aspect of this as well as the Rehoboth setting. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 2

Passed the Time Just Fine

The Cliffs by J. Courtney Sullivan - I was expecting a certain type of book (more along the line of the author's Maine) and got another one heavy on ghosts. Which is fine, but not my favorite by any means. The one in my mind was a better fit for me LOL. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 2

The Unraveling by Vi Keeland - There was some repetition that started to annoy me when it stopped about 40% through and picked up speed a bit. I did not see a lot a few significant pieces of this coming which is always nice. A quick read. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 9

The Wilderness of Girls by Madeline Claire Franklin - Big love for this book, even though it overdoes some things as I find a lot of YA novels do. The themes and realities hit though, and I am surprised this is a debut. Very good. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley - I have a roller coaster relationship with Lucy Foley books and we're on an upswing with this one. It kept me reading and I liked the story idea even though some pieces did not connect. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

Bad Tourists by Caro Carver - Started with a bang, ended how I like, with some drags and inconsistencies in the middle. Passed the time just fine. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 4

Not For Me

Ladykiller by Katherine Wood - This one is a victim of my demand for a fast pace in these types of books - too long on the buildup for the turnout. If you enjoy a slow build, this is probably for you.
Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 9

The Next Mrs. Parrish (Mrs. Parrish #2) by Liv Constantine - This did not need to be a book. On top of all of the reasons why, there is also an insufferable 13 year old who is dictating adult behavior in a very hard to believe way based on what went down in the first book. OCNJ hard cover

The Murder Inn by James Patterson, Candice Fox - A big ol' mess and a lot of psychos, the latter of which I usually like but this was a circus. Used paperback, own, passed on to little free library

Like it Never Was by Faith Gardner - The main character made enjoyment prohibitive for me, to the point where I wasn't sure I would finish but did. But I think I'm an outlier here. Hope you enjoy! Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Book publishes July 2

Bright and Tender Dark by Joanna Pearson - The cogs of the wheel stop turning about a quarter of the way in, and it feels stuck in mud after that. There are several plotlines that don't seem connected to the main, which gives it a kitchen sink feeling. Likely a good for you, not for me scenario. Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

Did Not Finish



What have you been reading?