
Monday, November 13, 2023

Snippets of the weekend 11.13.2023

Friday was raw, and consequently the first time in over a week I didn't hit my 10k steps goal. We had dinner at Jon & Patty's, then home to read, watch Witches of Eastwick, and lounge.

Saturday I did errands on foot to Lisa's Bakery and Bennie's. I did a run through Boyar's but they didn't have the rolls I wanted to off to ACME. I put together a chair for the living room, made veggie soup, french dip, and indulgent mac & cheese from dwardcooks. Friendsgiving was a lot of fun as always - I love being with these people and have for over 30 years. Hallmark Christmas movie bingo happened this year!
Sunday we lingered over coffee and I think Amanda and Frank were the last to leave around 1? I lay down for several hours and didn't move LOL. A walk to the beach, finishing a book, and leftovers for dinner did it for me for the day. 

weekending reels on Instagram - current favorite weekend look back mode.

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