
Monday, September 25, 2023

Snippets of the weekend 9.25.2023

Tropical Storm Ophelia made it quite a different weekend than intended. Mom and Rich were supposed to be at the shore for the weekend, and I was supposed to head down Friday night after work but none of that happened. There was so much shit going on through the shore towns this weekend, I feel bad for all the fucked plans.
Friday I was out of the house by 8 for a work photoshoot, picked up some groceries on the way back home, finished out the day, did laundry, and watched my niece and nephew at night. We caught an awesome parking lot sunset and got ice cream. 

I slept 11 hours Friday night and it was fucking amazing. Saturday was a super slow day - I did a catch all blog post for the last month, went to Sam's (fucking kill me in the line after checkout line, for real) and Aldi, filled my car up with gas, ate leftovers, finished a book, packed up for the shore, decided not go to when the flood waters didn't clear in the early evening after high tide, and zoned the fuck out in front of GBBO for hours. Sunday I got to the shore by 11:30, unpacked, went to the library and HomeGoods, and walked down to the beach to see Ophelia leaving.

weekending reels on Instagram - current favorite weekend look back mode.

Today is our 13th wedding anniversary, the date we confirmed with each other last week as we are not big anniversary people - we still out here! 22 years together this month, and we've known each other for 33. In the words of Steve Miller Band, time keeps on slipping slipping slipping

Happy happy birthday to our BFF Amanda today as well!

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