Friday, July 29, 2022
Friday Five: Frank's Birthday Five
Monday, July 25, 2022
Snippets of the Weekend 7.25.2022
Friday, July 22, 2022
3 Awesome Tips For Becoming A Better Dinner Host
It’s very easy to become over-serious about hosting a dinner for other people. Of course, it’s not hard to see why. Cooking for others, especially those we rarely cook for, and super especially if it’s for someone important like our boss at work or a romantic interest we’ve invited to our home for the first time, can be nerve-wracking.
The key to overcoming this anxiety is to try and have as much fun as possible. Don’t think of it as a test you have to pass, but a nice event you get to contribute to and enjoy. When you’re able to do that, you can think about what you’ll also get from the evening, which naturally helps you focus on making that experience better rather than jumping through artificial hoops to impress.
So, with that mindset, we hope to give some advice that help you become a better dinner host without all of the worry and fear that may come along with that, at least initially. Without further ado, let’s consider:
Perfect Your Dips
It may seem as though you need to perfect the most impressive recipes and offer something truly groundbreaking in order to make your dinner party memorable, but that’s not necessarily the case. Just keep it simple, and focus on doing well. Often, it’s the smaller items where you can show your creativity and worth. For example, with this authentic tzatziki sauce recipe, you can provide a fantastic accompaniment to a range of meat or vegetarian-based dishes and perfect your side dips with care. This adds more color, texture, and love to your dinner table, and ultimately helps the event feel more like a celebration and less like a stuffy meeting.
A Range Of Beverages
It’s also good to have a nice range of beverages available for your guests. Some sodas, or a nice punch, or perhaps just a nice fruit juice pitcher created from watermelon or other blended fruits can provide a refreshing aftertaste. On top of that, a water pitcher filled with ice is always good to have access to. From here, you might also offer coffee after the meal, or decide to share a bottle of wine in advance. Believe it or not, but 50% of being a great host is making sure your guest has access to refreshing beverages for their entire stay.
Accommodating Allergies
Of course, not everyone likes every food item, but more than just preference, some can’t eat particular foods. Asking about this in advance can help you prepare your kitchen, from making certain that ingredient is nowhere to be found (like nuts), to wiping down your kitchen thoroughly with disinfectant beforehand, or even inviting your guest into the kitchen to show them all of the ingredients you’ve used (spoiling the surprise is much better than a trip to the hospital), you can provide exactly what your guest needs and design the menu around that. It’s the least anyone deserves.
With this advice, you’re certain to remain the awesome dinner host you probably already were.
This post was written with the Life According to Steph audience in mind
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Thursday Thoughts - But some nights, I always win
Indoor things. I'm in Philly until a week from today. This rental season has hurt my feelings and I need to remove myself for a little, plus this weekend is Night in Venice at the shore and I cannot and will not. MFD is dealing with turnover this weekend since he has to be down there to play for Night in Venice anyway, and we have returning people coming in so we are all a known entity to each other. I'm setting my sights on not leaving the house due to oppressive heat. I might go to the Farmer's Market and get some corn to put up to freeze. But I ran errands today and it is awful out there. Well wishes to everyone who works outside and those without AC. Remember libraries are cool gathering spots in the excessive heat. And that your dogs should not be outside in this except to go to the bathroom.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Some Nights by Fun.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Snippets of the weekend: 7.18.2022
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Thursday Thoughts: We were standing on the edge with the sand under our feet

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Feels Like Summer by Samuel Jacks