What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is The Killers Land of the Free.
If you are recovering from the death of a loved one, you migbjh6 feel closer to your family than ever before. This is a great opportunity to help your kids get more interested in your family history, as it can provide a crucial distraction and outlet for grief and help you share your stories with your kids that they can pass on to their kids when they are older. Of course, you know that some children need some encouragement to become interested in history, so consider these four tips.
No matter where they are, your relatives are a veritable goldmine of fascinating information that will give you something to look forward to. Interviewing these relatives, especially those who you haven’t seen in a while, gives them the chance to pass on stories that they otherwise may never have been able to tell.
It’s also an excellent opportunity for your kids to meet more people and learn more about their families. This problem can be common for families that live in different parts of the country (or even the world) and they might find someone they can connect with along the way.
If you don’t have one yet, a family tree is a great way to delve deep into your past and connect the dots that made you and your relatives who you are today. Even if you possess a family tree, the details might be lacking, especially if no one has updated it in a while.
This is an exciting adventure for you and your kids. You can visit different family members or track down bronze headstones with the date of death etched clearly in stone. This will give you the information you need to add leaf after leaf and help the tree blossom.
The family reunion seems to have gone out of style over the past twenty years, yet something is exciting about getting everyone together and reconnecting or even meeting for the very first time.
Knowing how to plan a successful reunion will make the experience much less stressful, and it would help find a place that’s easily accessible for everybody. Of course, if anyone can’t make it, they can always video call to say hello.
If you’re looking for a simple but enjoyable way to kill a Sunday afternoon and share some of your family histories with your kids, there’s no better way than looking through old photographs. For some families, these can stretch back to one hundred years ago, or perhaps even more.
These photos can provide an exceptional time capsule that your kids may not have seen otherwise. They can showcase grandparents, great-grandparents, and aunts or uncles who share similar facial features, and it might feel like they are looking into a mirror.
With so much history to pour through, there is no telling what you could discover. While it can feel like a substantial and overwhelming project, you’ll come across life lessons that will make you feel connected to family members you never even met, giving you and your kids a whole new appreciation for what family means.
This post was written with the Life According to Steph audience in mind
What’s The Level Of Pay?
First, you should inquire about the level of pay that a business can offer. It’s great to choose a company that can provide a fair level of pay that matches the rest of the standards on the market. Don’t fall into the trap of being paid less than you are worth or deserve for a position. Don’t forget, living costs are increasing rapidly right now. This means it’s the worst possible time to accept a job for a lower level of pay. At the same time, some companies offer other benefits instead of high pay which brings us to the next point.
What Incentives Can You Offer?
Next, you should think about the incentives that an employer can provide if you do choose to sign on the dotted line. There are lots of benefits that you can gain by working for certain companies. For instance, you might want to think about choosing a business with a strong pension scheme in place. This will ensure that you are well positioned for the future and you won’t have to worry about struggling in your twilight years. In the short term, you might want to consider choosing a business that will provide a company car. Particularly if you do a lot of driving in general.
What Vacation Time Do You Provide?
You might also want to think about the level of vacation days that a business can provide. A lot of companies are falling short in terms of the number of vacation days that they offer. You might want to research the average vacation and PTO time so that you have a baseline you can use to measure companies that you are considering working for.
Be aware that some companies like Netflix are now providing team members with unlimited unpaid vacation days that they can take whenever they like. There is some evidence that an option like this will increase levels of productivity.
What Insurance Do You Have In Place?
Next, you should think about insurance options. It’s worth exploring whether a business does have the right type of insurance in place. Specifically, ask about workers compensation. This means, if you are injured while working, you can claim the damages that you need to recover without worrying about pay. If it’s a long term injury, workers comp will also ensure that it doesn’t negatively impact your quality of life. Do note that whether a business is legally required to have workers comp will depend on location. So, you should never take this as a given.
What Are The Structures For Promotion?
No one wants to be stuck in a dead end job and there’s no reason to commit yourself to this fate. When you take a job interview, you should always ask about whether there are opportunities to gain promotions from the current position you are applying for. You might also want to inquire about what type of training you might receive on the market. Do be aware that the majority of people will face redundancy at some point during their career. With the right training, you can ensure it’s easier to find other prospects.
When Will I Hear From You?
Finally, it’s worth enquiring about when you will hear about a job or position. This is important if you are applying for other jobs at the same time and this likely will be the case. By checking when you’ll hear back, you’ll know when time is essentially up in terms of you claiming that position. This means that you will be able to focus your time and efforts on other opportunities and stop waiting around for a call that isn’t going to come.
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