About 87% certain I have used this blog post title at some point in recent Januarys. I know a lot of people consider this a dark and aimless month, but I quite enjoy it. We will not discuss February at this time, during which I usually feel knocking down the walls and busting at the seams. I have a plan for that this year, so fingers crossed.
Back to January. I talked earlier this week about tracking habits, and I feel like I have ample time in this long month to get my habits in line with my intentions. I also have ample time to stuff myself with books and TV. For me wellness is about feeling good mentally and physically, but it's also about reading and watching and feeling comfortable and relaxed in my skin and in my home. Some points of home comfort and wellness for me:
I cook a lot in January, which requires a well stocked pantry and no expired shit. Carol helped me purge in Philly and I did the same at the shore, now I'm cooking through what's left. I hate wasted food
Take care of business
Reducing discomfort and annoyance is top in all living scenarios. Earlier this week I was taping up windows in this 122 year old four story house. I also paid my main peeps, my exterminators, I do service every quarter with them which is an absolute must in a rental. A pest control service provider will ensure your home is nuisance-free, and the right one is a godsend. My favorite tech Walter and I cried through 2020 in masks together. No lie. LOL.
Soft furnishings
Soft furnishings are king. Rugs, blankets, and pillows are all easy ways to add warmth to your home while enhancing your comfort. I always take stock of mine in January and replace what needs it. Clean blankets are always welcome at most animal shelters, and you can also hand them out to any houseless people in the area who might be in need. My personal favorite sheets are the 400 thread count printed performance sheet set from Threshold at Target. Printed only, I hate the feel of the solid. You all can keep your 800,1000 thread count crap. I hate microfiber (used to use) and cannot with anything that is not 100% cotton. I have clear lines drawn around sheets.
Address clutter spots
I like to mow through spaces as I come upon them, and I am always lurking around my own house in January plus I'm integrating holiday stuff so it's a good time to address clutter as you come upon it.
Add things that make you happy
Another great way of making your home more comfortable is by adding things that make you happy. I like to update my decor a lot, and I end up moving things around to make it seem new. I do add new pieces from time to time. The past six months, that has been taper candleholders which are absolutely perfect to have out and around in January since it's dark for a long period at night and also has its fair share of gray days.
If you have ever seen photos of my living areas, you know color, fresh flowers, art, books, and shiny things make me happy too. If we don't feel happy in our homes, where the hell will we feel happy?
What about you? What are you doing this month to be happier within your four walls?

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