Monday, January 31, 2022
TWTW - the one with the snow
Sunday, January 30, 2022
4 key features you want in a car for kids
Are you thinking about purchasing a new car? If you have kids, then it does make sense to choose a vehicle with the right features that are going to benefit them and you. Here are some of the options that we do recommend you keep in mind here.
First, you should think about getting a car with a camera. A car camera can be useful for a few reasons. First, it will ensure that drivers around you on the road take more care and attention. But that’s not the only benefit. A car cam will also guarantee that you don’t have to worry about trying to prove who was responsible for an accident. The evidence will be available for everyone to see.
Next, you should make sure that your car does provide the kids and you with enough space. This is why when you are shopping for a car you should always take the kids with you. That way, you can make sure that they can test out the backseat and guarantee that there is plenty of space available. Cars can be deceptive and even larger vehicles on the outside can be quite cramped on the inside. This depends on how the space the car offers is used. It could have a massive storage space and very little leg room.
Serenity Settings
This has a variety of different labels. But in essence serenity settings will mean that the car is separated into two distinct spaces. This means that you can effectively control different aspects of these spaces such as the volume of the music and the heating. Some cars will allow you to listen to music in the front while your kids are sleeping peacefully in the back. That’s perfect for longer journeys.
Driver Assist
Finally, you might want to think about choosing a car that does offer the use of driver assist technology. The benefit of driver assist tech is that you will be able to let the car do some of the work for you. This means that the car will correct your driving style if they think that it’s likely to lead to an accident. For instance, a car with driver assist can help guarantee that you stay within the white lines. That’s not the only benefit either. The latest driver assist technology can take action if it thinks that you are going to crash. If you speak to a car accident lawyer, you’ll find that cars with driver assist are far less likely to be involved in a collision out on the road.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key features that you do want in a car that you’re going to be using with your kids. By taking the right steps here, you can guarantee that your kids are going to be safe while also guaranteeing that they have a wonderful road experience. Remember, it can be worth paying a little extra to guarantee you get the car with the right safety features to provide you with complete peace of mind.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Understanding the work that goes into an overseas move
The idea of living in another country can be a very nice one. Having the chance to break away from the politics, economy, and social issues found in your old home can sound lovely, while some people will simply want the chance to live somewhere with a different climate. Whether you’re trying to escape your government or are looking for some sunshine, though, you will still have to do loads of work to get yourself moved to another country. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the steps that have to be taken to handle a task like this successfully.
Finding The New Place
Property hunting is quite an easy job under normal circumstances, and you need only look for an estate agent to help you out. When you’re looking for places in different countries, though, you will have to deal with the challenge of finding properties and attending viewings from hundreds of miles away. This will mean that you will have to plan everything as well as you can before you embark on this journey.
There are a few different places you can look at when you’re trying to find a place to live overseas. International real estate agents can be found in most cities and towns, giving you access to a wealth of resources that can make it easier to handle your hunt. Alongside these services, you can also find loads of websites that are dedicated to helping people to buy properties in different countries.
Buying The New Place
Once you’ve found a property you like, it will be time to start the process of buying it. This can be tricky when you’re trying to buy a place in a different country, as the rules and laws that come with the process are likely to be very different in your new home. You will need to spend some time learning about the process you will have to go through to buy your new home, but you can also get the help of a legal professional to make it a little bit easier.
Alongside struggling to understand the rules that you have to follow, it can also be hard to secure funding when you’re buying a place in a different country. You will need a specialist mortgage for this, and you can use a mortgage calculator to figure out how much this will all cost. You may have to jump through additional hoops when you’re trying to get a mortgage in a different country.
Moving Overseas
Household moving to a new country can be a daunting and often overwhelming process. People don’t realize quite how much work they’re going to have to do before they get started, and this can result in a lot of trouble down the line. It’s always worth making sure that you have considered all of your belongings before you decide to make a move like this, working to ensure that you don’t find yourself unable to get them to your new country.
There are loads of companies out there that can handle overseas moves. It’s always worth going with a company like this rather than trying to handle it all by yourself, saving you from the pain of trying to move large and bulky items across oceans and continents. Extremely large items, like cars and pianos, may have to be sold or given away before you make a move like this, as items like this can cost more to ship than it costs to simply buy a new one.
It can be hard to figure out where you want to live. A lot of people go through this process, only to find that they don’t have the resources to find success when they are trying to improve their life overseas. Of course, though, with the right time and effort, it should be nice and easy to take these steps and embrace your new home.
This post was written with the Life According to Steph audience in mind
Friday, January 28, 2022
Last Friday in January: things I want to remember about this week

Thursday, January 27, 2022
I need to stop waiting for a return to normal
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Cultivating daily happiness

Monday, January 24, 2022
TWTW - the one with the wedding
Friday, January 21, 2022
3 reasons you're scared of seeing your doctor
When was the last time you saw your doctor? For a lot of you, it was many years ago. Some people haven’t been to the doctor since they were little and their parents forced them. Thankfully, you’ve not had any major health issues during that time. But, what if you had? What if there was something wrong with you and you just ignored it because you were afraid to see a doctor? It could be devastating for your physical and mental wellbeing, which is why you shouldn’t fear doctor’s appointments.
Below, I’ve listed what I believe are the most common reasons you’re scared of seeing your doctor, along with some points on why you shouldn’t let them stop you.
You’re scared of certain procedures
Are you scared of needles? Maybe you’re scared of the blood pressure machine? Whatever it is, there’s a specific procedure that scares the life out of you and puts you off seeing your doctor. In reality, you may not need to undergo these procedures at all, so it’s rarely worth worrying about. Also, you will need blood tests, injections, and blood pressure readings at some point in your life. They are essential for managing your health and checking for medical problems. They also only last for a minute or so, so is it really worth being scared of them your whole life? What’s scarier, the procedure itself or the possible underlying health condition that goes untreated because you didn’t have the procedure to check for it?
You’re scared of the possible diagnosis
Most people are worried about seeing the doctor because they are scared of being diagnosed with something serious. You’ve got a constant headache, and you’re worried about seeing the doctor because you think they might tell you that you have a brain tumor. You instantly associate your problem with the worst possible outcome, and you’re worried that this can come true.
In most situations, your problem will never be as serious as you think it might be. But, even if it is, you shouldn’t be scared of hearing it. Surely it is good to hear and confirm that you have a serious health problem than to sit around doing nothing? It will only get worse, so the sooner you hear any bad news, the quicker you can react and treat it.
You’re scared of being laughed at
Not literally, but you’re worried your doctor might think you’re stupid for coming to them with a particular problem. If your doctor ever does laugh at you or tell you that you’ve wasted their time with your concerns, a medical malpractice attorney might be able to help you, as it can possibly fall under the scope of avoiding a diagnosis and being negligent. Doctors take oaths and aside from that are aware of this duty to take concerns seriously, which is why this shouldn't be a worry. So, if you’re worried that your problem will be shrugged off and laughed at, you should have nothing to worry about.
Realistically, you have no reason to fear the doctor. They are there to help, and the fear you associate with seeing them will be nowhere near as bad as what happens if you have a medical problem that goes undetected for too long. Don’t be afraid to see your doctor when you have problems, no matter how big or small they may seem.
This post was written with the Life According to Steph audience in mind
Why Activity Vacations are a Great Idea
Everyone should go on vacation from time to time; getting away from the usual daily routine, seeing new things, and taking part in new experiences is good for the mind, body, and soul. For some, the idea of a perfect vacation is lying on a beach in the sun. Others want to go to theme parks and rush about. However, it is the activity vacation that most appeals to a wide range of people, and here are some of the reasons why this is the type of vacation you should try next.
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels
It’s Challenging
When you book an activity vacation, you are giving yourself and anyone who goes with you a challenge, and that is hugely important. There might not be that much that can challenge you in your job and your home life – your job may be repetitive and dull, for example. An activity vacation can give you the change that you need.
Being challenged in life is good for you. It stimulates the brain and makes it work harder, and it makes things more exciting and gives you something to look forward to. Whether you book a vacation that involves rock climbing, abseiling, bungee jumping, hiking, or simply exploring new areas in new ways, you will find it a challenge. In conquering that challenge, you will make changes in your life that you could bring back home with you too.
The Healthy Option
The key part of an activity vacation is the activity, of course. Any form of activity, especially if it is different from what you usually do, is good for you and your health. It will raise your fitness levels and help to make you healthier.
Although it’s good to relax with a beach vacation, you won’t come home healthier that way. In fact, lying around doing nothing could cause you to put on weight, and you’ll fall out of your keep fit routine too. So an activity vacation makes sense because it will keep you moving, keep you thinking, and you might even go home healthier than when you arrived. All the good habits that you pick up on your vacation can certainly be useful at home too.
New Perspectives
Going on an activity vacation will often mean that you can see the world from a different perspective; you are more than just a tourist or visitor – you are immersing yourself in a different way of doing things and working.
What’s really remarkable about this kind of vacation is that you are seeing the world from a point of view that not many other people can say they have done, and that’s exciting. It’s especially exciting if you are visiting a part of the world popular with tourists because although you might enjoy the usual sights and sounds, you will also be delving deeper and doing more.
Create Memories
Do all the other vacations you have taken meld into one because they were all so similar? It’s a shame when this happens because memories are so crucial to happiness and wellbeing. Yet if we keep doing the same thing time after time, it will happen.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Thursday Thoughts - A picture of you, holding a picture of me in the pocket of my blue jeans

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Jolene by Ray Lamontagne