Entering year eight, and as always right after the anniversary linkup this one comes up super fast. This weekend I was trying to recall what I've read in the past month and was coming up blank. Which doesn't mean it wasn't anything good...just that I have limited brain space to hold titles. It is not unusual for me to have to go back and look up a book I read, whether it is two weeks or three years ago. I recall a time when I could quote full passages of books. I have retained some of those passages but I don't have that ability to do that with stuff I read now.
Housekeeping items: The December SUYB will be the second Tuesday as always, which is Tuesday, December 14. The Favorite Reads of 2021 linkup will be Thursday, December 30, and will remain open for longer than typical linkups do in case you are not in the mood to do Jack shit the last week of the year.
Here's what I've been reading since the last linkup.
Engrossing Reads
Everything We Didn't Say by Nicole Baart - Gaaahhh this slayed me a million different ways. I love her stuff and could not put this down. You can literally feel the longing and missing and regret in this. Free advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Sankofa by Chibundu Onuzo - I had no expectations going into this, didn't even really know what it was about. The writing felt so careful and it drew me in - lovely story about the in betweens of life and parentage and race and public/private identity. Totally forgot to snap a photo of the cover but I liked that too. You can see the spine in the bottom photo below. OCNJ library
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney - So I think I had this from the library before and didn't get to it. I'm glad I got to it this time although if you are a fraidy like me do not read this while you are alone at night especially if you live in a mostly deserted town which is how the shore is on weeknights especially. OCNJ library
The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles - This fucking monster was 25 off from 600 pages and of course my dumb ass gets it in hard back from the library. I started it on 10/19 and stayed up late to finish it on 10/21, which tells you it was damn good. I think it's difficult for a 576 page book to fly by so much appreciation to the author. Although I do love Amor Towles novels, so I should not be surprised. What a delight Sally was interspersed with everyone else. OCNJ library
Carefree Black Girls by Zeba Blay - Am I becoming an essay/short story lover? I might be. I could have read this in a few hours but spaced it out to sit with each piece. A great work that made me think about things I've had the privilege to not live. Add this to your feminist collection. Free advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
All Her Little Secrets by Wanda M. Morris - I was looking forward to this all year and it didn't disappoint. Which is good, since I pre-ordered it but then also got an advanced copy from Netgalley AND won a Goodreads giveaway paperback. The pre-order was for the anniversary SUYB giveaway (coming to you Rebecca!), I read the Goodreads giveaway and am adding to my shore library to share. Paperback, own
Forever Wild (The Simple Wild #2.5) by K.A. Tucker - Since I am usually reading murdery creepy shit, I am always surprised at how much I love these. This little novella was no exception. The next one comes out at the end of January and is focused on Marie so I hope I still like it. Amazon kindle own
Passed the Time Just Fine
The Secrets We Bury (The Undertaker's Daughter #1) by Debra Webb - Man alive I sat in this book for like five days and it's not even long. I was just busy or tired or both. Poor timing and I don't want to blame the book, I should have breezed through it. I will give the second a go. Amazon kindle e-book free
Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead - This reminded me of a song lyric - waiting for the thing that just never comes. That being said, Whitehead's writing is excellent as always and I loved living alongside Ray Carney for the duration of the read. OCNJ library
Not Worth It
I read a few pages of each of these and decided not for me at this time, but would not necessarily categorize as Not Worth It or like hated so much I could not do it: The Days of Afrekete by Asali Solomon and Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger
Linkup Guidelines:
2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is Tuesday, December 14 2021. The special Favorite Reads of 2021 Linkup is Thursday, December 30, 2021
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me, and check in with as many in our reading circle as you can - give some love to the later linker uppers! 2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link

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