
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Unforgettable family reunion

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Planning a memorable family reunion can be challenging. One of the most important aspects to consider is date and time. You want to make sure that it's convenient for everyone, not just those who live close by.

A neutral location will also help people feel more at ease. Many venues across the country offer comfortable accommodations, making hosting easier on your wallet. Another crucial thing to do is document the day with drones. This way, you'll never forget what happened or how much fun you had.

Plan a Convenient Date and Time

Before setting a family reunion, it is important to consider everyone's schedule and plan with them in mind. For example, if your family is spread out worldwide, you may need to consider when it will be more convenient for them to attend. Also, remember that some members of your family might have special needs or considerations regarding travel and timing so ensure they are accommodated as well.

If possible, avoid planning a reunion during major holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas because many families already have plans on these days.

Choose a Neutral Location

The location of your reunion is essential. Make sure it's free from distractions and has enough room for everyone to gather comfortably. When choosing a site, consider all the event details, including food options, guest accommodations, transportation accessibility, and activities available in your area.

A neutral location is best because you won't be tied down by any specific memories or emotions associated with that place. In addition, neutral areas are often considered family-friendly restaurants like Applebees, where guests can enjoy casual dining experiences while sharing their lives over good conversation and delicious meals.

Document the Day With Drones

Drones are great for capturing family memories. OM 5 drones can provide a whole new perspective on gatherings by recording video and taking high-resolution photos from the air, perfect for sharing online.

A photo booth is memorable. But you don't have to go out and buy one of those bulky machines either. Instead, print selfies onto magnet sheets so your guests can stick them to any metal surface they want.

Documenting this moment is an excellent way for family members to remember how wonderful the day was. Using drones is a fun and easy way to write all of your memories from this special event.

Ensure You Stay Safe

Safety is always an important consideration when hosting a family reunion. Here are some tips to help you stay safe during your day-to-day activities:

*Create meeting points if someone gets lost or becomes separated from their group

*Be very careful when cooking outdoors and never leave food unattended 

*Let everyone know where they're supposed to be at all times.

*Limit the number of activities that involve water or include swimming and ensure everyone knows what to do if there is a medical emergency.

If someone does get lost, it's essential that everyone stays put and waits for help instead of trying to find them on their own. Safety should always be a top priority when hosting a family reunion.

Showcase Family Memories on a 3D Whiteboard

This is a great way to add a personal touch and is sure to impress. You can create an entire timeline of the family's history or highlight certain events.

You will need:

-A Drone with HD camera -An online photo editing tool such as Photoshop

-A large whiteboard that you don't mind getting dirty from glue, paint. If you cannot find one, then two regular boards with some blue painter's tape in between would work just fine. At least 12 feet long by four feet tall should do it. This size works well for families with children, and everyone can participate in decorating their piece of the board, which makes this activity fun for all ages. Also, some supplies you may not have at home that you can find at a craft store or amazon:

-Mod Podge (glue) -Acrylic paints in bright colors

-Tissue paper in various colors and patterns


Remember Those You’ve Lost

This is a great way to remember those who have passed on.

Remembering the family members you have lost is a great way to show family guests that they are missed. By celebrating their lives, you can allow the living members of your family an opportunity to come together and share memories. This is a unique experience for all involved since not everyone gets to see each other after losing someone close to them.

Cook Special Family Meals

Cooking during a family reunion makes the event even more special. A Cookery Extravaganzagives everyone something to look forward to, allowing you to express your love for a family through food. Your guests will likely be tired after a long day of activities, so having delicious meals ready is always appreciated.

What are some unique recipes that have been passed down in your family? Include them on the event schedule or menu cards if they're available ahead of time. If not, share them with those responsible for cooking when they arrive at the reunion venue.

Consider Everyone’s Needs and Interests

This is an essential aspect of hosting a family reunion because it's the only way to ensure everyone has an enjoyable time. Even if you're unsure about how everyone will get on with each other at first, by considering their interests and needs, there is no doubt that they'll all enjoy themselves in the long run.

Have Fun and Ensure Everyone Participates

Having fun is one of the most critical parts of any family reunion. Of course, hanging out with your loved ones is a great way to make memories, but being active together will help you bond even more.

Think about what everyone enjoys doing and try to have activities that are appropriate for all members. Doing something different every year can keep things exciting.

Have Activities for Kids

Having activities for kids is a great way to keep them entertained and excited. Kids will love spending time with their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other family members.  You can arrange fun activities that everyone enjoys or let the kids run outside while the adults chat inside.


In conclusion, planning a family reunion doesn't have to be stressful or difficult. If you follow these simple steps, your event can turn out great. Just remember that the most important thing is spending time with those who love and care for you, even if it's just catching up on life over a delicious meal.

This post was written with the Life According to Steph audience in mind

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