
Thursday, September 9, 2021

TWTW - the long Labor Day one

Friday Our last guests of the season checked out. On my lunch I cleaned the house. MFD went to the laundromat and refilled water jugs. Dad and Carol arrived before 5, Stephen soon after, and Aubrey and the kids by 6:30. We got pizzas from Angelo's and had leftover cake from my dad's official official retirement. He "retired" last year, but was still working eight days a month to transition out this year. Friday was officially his last day of work ever. He was with his company for 45 years. Congrats Dad! We were celebrating that and MFD's ability to smoke in his own driveway again.
Saturday We were on the beach early, and my dad and brother biked down to see a high school football game since my brother's school was playing in it. It was a great long beach day Debbie arrived in the middle of followed by a boardwalk night. And my first pumpkin/cinnamon swirl of the season. 

Sunday Aubrey did her chalk art driveway sign for the September 1 birthday babies and we were on the beach early again but hooo boy the winds. It was excessive and untenable but we did last much longer than I thought we would. In the end we left around two and the ladies did some Asbury shopping while the boys did party prep and arcades. 
Driveway Party 2021: Guess what time Mike will be home, rain delay, charcoal grill smokeout, roasting marshmallows, bingo, pin the teeth on the shark (all three Stephens placed), chalk art (Aubrey, family artist), pie eating contest I was sure I would win but Dad won, and prizes for all. It was a great time. Thanks to our family Activities Director Carol for another fun Driveway Party!

Monday We did masks per Lola's request, then headed to another perfect beach day. Debbie left in the afternoon and we did a family photo before my brother had to take off  earlier than planned due to BatteryGate 2021. I went up to the boards with Aubrey, the kids, Dad and Carol and we got curly fries, lemonade, chicken fingers, and Opa for dinner before doing two rides and the arcade and walking back. 
Tuesday The best day off is the day after Labor Day. Carol and I got donuts from Nauti Donuts, we did the beach, Aubrey and the kids and Mike left, and Dad and Carol and I cleaned up, had 16th Street Seafood for dinner and ice cream cake. I was laying down by 9:30. 

Consider this Thursday Thoughts as well? I love our Labor Day weekend time.

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