Saturday Up at 6:15 and out of bed at 7. I changed the sheets, loaded the car, and we were on our way to the shore by 8, gassing up along the way. We talked to our departing guest for a long time and then they were late leaving, but we still did everything we needed to do before and after our cleaning crew left and got back on the road by 12 to make it back to Philly by 1:15. We picked MFD’s car up from getting inspected, I picked up soft pretzels, and after yelling because we have extremely different leaving for a trip styles and keys lost, we were headed north by 3:15. We drove through every storm hitting the area and arrived at the lake by about 6. Notice my stuff and dog stuff all ready by the door in the top middle and MFD's entire life emptied out of his car not prepared at all to leave. These were taken at the same time and his clothes were not yet packed LOL
We drove through every storm hitting the area and arrived at the lake by about 6. Lori and I got groceries and I put in four hours of work work. I showered and read until 11:30.
Sunday I was up at 5 but not out of bed until 6:30. I worked from 7-11a and 5-9p. Nothing says the Fourth of July like Capitalism! In between we got more groceries and whiled the afternoon away outside with dogs and books. I painted my nails. We were outside all the live long day and the weather was absolutely perfect. Jack grilled and we had a delicious Fourth meal on the new bar on the deck. The entire renovation is just fabulous. MFD went out fishing in the kayak and at night him and Jack went out on the boat. We saw fireworks from couches and from bed after I got out of the shower. And Gus walked into the lake three freaking times requiring three separate drying off periods of which he was not a fan.
Monday Lori and I left at 8:15 for the Montrose Festival on the Green and to stop in a few small shops. I love this little town. It always feels like the promise of America to me - a place for the community to gather, dotted with a square of small businesses. We can live up to this promise for everyone. We just have to choose to.
I worked a full day even though we were closed in observance of the Fourth. Deadlines are a B. At least I had a picturesque setting in which to work. MFD fished and swam and we set out for home at 7:30 and were back in Philly before 10.
I am usually driving but got to take drive pictures this time. Pennsylvania is beautiful, and I love the Endless Mountains region. I'm glad Lori & Jack live there or I probably would not have been so many places in Bradford & Susquehanna counties. I should have brought my second screen, and I was going to. If I had we probably would have stayed through my deadline Wednesday LOL. It is beautiful and quiet and relaxing and we all love it there, especially the dogs. Thanks to Lori for always welcoming all of us, dogs included, into her spaces. It was a wonderful weekend and we're trying to figure out when to return this summer.
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