Trying today but Bill Cosby out is sending me and my rage is spilling out everywhere. I understand why he's out but I am sick of living in a system that does nothing for women or Black people. How in the fuck can we expect people to report rape and other abuse? I read this on Jennifer Weiner's Instagram yesterday and this is it,: "The system is rigged. It was not built by women, it was not built for women, and it's not serving women well. I am so angry, and so frustrated, and I don't know what to say except that I stand with survivors, today and always. I want my daughters, and all of our daughters, to live in a better world, and I'm committed to doing whatever work I can, to telling whatever stories I can, to getting us there."
Experiencing a Marshalls Miracle. If you know, you know. A while back I found a table for the porch at the shore at Marshalls that was perfect. The porch is super tight and this is small, infinitely moveable, and folds up. I wanted another and put a plea out on Instagram. I freaking found another, two weeks later. Scouring the same Homegoods. Far away from where the first one was. I felt the benevolent and electric hand of the universe tap me on the shoulder.
Buckling under the weight of work this week. It is not easy for me to do 11-12 hour days for sustained periods of time with a pandemic brain, and I don't say post-pandemic because we're still in it and also I don't think anything will change going forward. Like people hold over things from the Depression, we'll surely be holding over things from this.
Wanting to know why no one is talking about Old Navy removing the super popular for eons printed poplin (summer weight) pajama pants from their site for women this year? Are they planning to carry that through the winter? You'll all be bitching when you want your matching Christmas jammies, mark my words!
Having dinner with my family last night at my brother & Aubrey's to mark the end of an era. My Dad and Carol closed on the sale of their house yesterday, which has held our family for 25 years. It's the last place I lived in before I moved out on my own. I was going to make a final visit, but what I love about it there just moves with the family and it's time for that one to give shelter and solace to another.
Sitting with my old boy. He's still out here farting around, pooping where and when he pleases.
Eating summer foods. Aka foods that require me to do basically nothing.
Looking for cotton summer weight quilts. I hate the synthetic feeling shit. Shore bedding is taking an absolute beating this year. Remember when Marshalls used to have a ton of bedding? Now everything is white. In a vacation rental home, no thank you. Not in mine anyway.
Bidding this shitfuckerdickholeassholebrokendownidiotmachine washer adieu today. Fuck you and your persistent unbalancing issues and constant and incessant refilling three to four times wasting so much water. If I had a sledgehammer I'd go Office Space on your ass as they drug you out of here. I'm going back to an old school agitator. Fuck off and good day to you and your Samsung appliances brethren.
Reading The Therapist by B.A. Paris, an ARC from Netgalley. Not a favorite. I always read BA Paris books even though I'm usually eh over them.
Reminding us all. In this heat and in this world where whatever you are comfortable in. Period.
Here we are in fucking July. Half a year gone.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to or most recently heard when I'm starting this - this week is Last Christmas by Wham!
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