This came up fast, no?
Happy birthday to my co-host and longtime friend of over 25 years, Jana (it was Saturday).
Happy Pride Month!
I am not a book challenge person, but if you are, please check this timely and important challenge out: One of our regular linker uppers, Dara from Not in Jersey, has gotten together with a group of bookstagrammers to celebrate Jewish authors with The #JEWnish Book Challenge. With anti-semitism on the rise around the globe, there is no better time. Click here to read her instagram post and find out more on the challenge, which is super simple: reading a book by a Jewish author this month and sharing.
Here's what I've been reading since the last linkup.
Engrossing Reads
Hostage by Clare Mackintosh - I blew through this, a Memorial Day Weekend read. Suspension of disbelief required and some why is that in here but otherwise interesting and kept me tied in. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, comes out June 22.
Last Summer at the Golden Hotel by Elyssa Friedland - This reminded me of Dirty Dancing, so how could I not love it. It definitely touched on some serious issues, but it also managed to be lighthearted and the kind of funny you don't laugh out loud at but find yourself smiling when you're reading. The Catskills as a setting, two Jewish families intertwined in business and more. It was hard to pick a favorite character. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Passed the Time Just Fine
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid - Not my favorite of hers. Something was missing. Feeling? Still compulsively readable but I didn't finish it and want to tell everyone about it. I did discuss with Nadine and Heather on the gram, but not in an OMG we loved it way LOL. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Thicker Than Blood (Zoe Bentley Mystery #3) by Mike Omer - I enjoyed this series a lot - I think it's over, but not sure-and will read more by Mike Omer. He has a few other series books as well. Paperback, own, bought used
One Two Three by Laurie Frankel - Here's a story no one cares about. I read 9/10s of Frankel's massive hit This is How it Always Is and the story was important but I literally put the book down with less than 100 pages left. It is a massive book and felt so fucking repetitive and I had no appetite for that at the time - I was reading it right after Geege died in 2017. It's probably the longest I've read a book/closest in proximity to the end when I quit. Fast forward and this book was totally fine, an interesting premise and characters, and I know people will love it. I's doing too much again. I think Frankel is a good for you, not for me author. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Under the Magnolias by T.I. Lowe - This was a little draggy in parts but a solid coming of age tale in the south in the 80s with mental health and community and being seen all strong themes. Austin was reminiscent of Kya from Crawdads in fleeting ways. . Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
One Small Sacrifice by Hilary Davidson (Shadows of New York #1) - I am not sure where I heard about this book, I assume from this linkup? Or how I acquired the paperback copy I found on my shelf, or how long I've had it...but I did find it and read it and was unsure of it for a while but I didn't mind it. I know that's not a rousing go read it but it's all I can muster at the time. If there are more in a series, I'd read them. Is that better? Paperback, own, unknown origin
Did Not Finish
Not Worth It
The Serial Killer's Wife by Alice Hunter - his felt a little repetitive. I had high hopes based on the title and this had a lot of potential, none of which panned out how I thought it would. There are avenues left unexplored that would have been rad. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Photographer by Mary Dixie Carter - This was a shorter novel so I sailed through it, but the story telling itself was slow in pace until the end. You have to sort of suspend all belief in what people would actually do in real life. I liked the writing though and would read another by Carter. Free advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Linkup Guidelines:
2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me, and check in with as many in our reading circle as you can - give some love to the later linker uppers! 2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link

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