After work we watched Thunder Force and ordered pizza and salad from Randazzo's. I started The Four Winds and stayed up until 1 to finish it.
Saturday Started way too fucking early for having been up past 1. Thanks dogs. We were moving by 6 am. They were back to sleep immediately, but we were not. I showered and walked to my hardware store, then came back and scraped and sanded paint off the metal flashings on the upstairs porch and spray painted them. In previous times, I would really want a mask to wear during the job and not have one. NO WORRIES, I HAVE PLENTY. That is a literal band aid just so the metal can't be seen, they need to be replaced. Salt air destroys everything outdoors. I painted my toes (Essie suits you well, which I think is a great color for toes) and lay with the old dogs while they were drying. I also measured the bathroom floor, cleaned up on the main floor, went to Foglio's and ordered new for the small bathroom, picked up a chair and yard sign for Philly at Hearth & Sole, and replaced my rusted out wind chime that came with the house with a new glass one at Handlaget. It always feels best when I can buy what I need from small businesses.
MFD did a "soft clean" (his term) of the downstairs porch, and I took the best friends to the south end of the island for a long, foggy walk and some shelling for a few hours. I came back to see him set up for a solo driveway party. We sat outside listening to music, Michelle stopped by to pick up chairs, and then MFD went up and got Angelo's steaks as it's their opening weekend and they are a solid favorite - my favorite pizza in Ocean City. We were completely assed out at night. I started and stopped another book and MFD went fishing. That's about it. Sunday I was packed up and on the road back to Philly by 10. I even creeped on my own flowers. I have very few spring buds left. Thanks asshole squirrels. Every year I say oh I will remember to replant then I don't. It's fine. I unpacked outdoor cushions, broke down boxes, started laundry, went to pick up a table from FB Marketplace to replace the bathroom one at the shore that I've been looking for a replacement for for a few years, picked up a ceiling fan and storage boxes, got a few groceries, and purged the shit out of the upstairs - two bedrooms and linen closet. I got rid of three bags of trash, set aside three bags of donations, a bookcase, a king box spring, a chest my dad made in senior year woodshop (that's going to my brother), two nightstands, and the king bed frame will go next week. We also got rid of a queen bed and box spring, dresser, and two lamps. The twin mattress and bed frame in the basement are going too. I carried more shit down the stairs too, and took all the photos off the walls. Our floors are getting refinished up there half and half - the steps, two rooms, and hallway first, then the two smaller rooms. This way we don't have to move all the furniture out of the house/downstairs and can just cram shit into two rooms. We planned to do these floors over 10 fucking years ago when we moved in. Getting to it. I also think I'm switching our bedrooms and we'll paint our old bedroom. The coral color I picked in there a few years ago is a fucking disaster, and that ceiling needs to be painted anyway. The trim too as Bruce has destroyed it barking at his backyard friends like a fucking lunatic.
I made pork tenderloin, quickbread from a Pampered Chef mix, and broccoli for dinner. I pulled frozen veggie meat sauce out of the freezer for tonight.
A weekend that was solidly in forward motion and leaves me a little tired Monday morning feels like old times. Not totally like old old times, because I absolutely never would have rested until all shit was done.
Still, it's fitting, as today is two weeks since my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine so I am fully vaccinated. Please remember you are not fully vaccinated in the science sense the day you get your second shot - you are only fully vaccinated in the social media sense. And in all cases, continue to mask up in public as you do not know who is vaccinated or not. Please sign up and get vaccinated when you are eligible. Also why is there such a cross over between people who scream about small businesses being hurt and people who scream they are not getting the vaccine? You're hurting them more now by refusing to vaccinate.
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