Sometimes Show Us Your Books comes up fast, and sometimes it comes up slow, and sometimes you think it's a week before it actually is. The third is true for me this time. I was prepared last week, which is more advanced preparation for this post than I have practiced in a year.
Anyhoo here's what I've been reading since the last linkup.
Engrossing Reads
How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (editor) - Invaluable reflections of Black women leaders of organizations that cover not only how organizations like Combahee River Collective or AAWDO came to be, but their own activist journeys which provide history lessons we're not really learning elsewhere. These women are power houses and they are brilliant. I liked how it was laid out, it made it easy to read a section and put down for a few days to digest and ruminate on before moving on to the next. Required reading for all, especially those who are white and consider themselves feminists. Paperback, own, purchased from Harriett's Bookshop
Win (Windsor Horne Lockwood III #1) by Harlan Coben - The #1 in the title has me giddy because it means there will be more. I have long wanted more insight into the mind of Myron Bolitar's best friend, and Harlan Coben is out there granting wishes. I loved the book and consider it a gift to longtime Myron fans. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawnie Walton - Reminiscent of Daisy Jones but its own animal for sure. Opal is an amazing character. Some of the Nev bits annoyed me, but they were worth it for all the Opalness. This felt very real from the start, like was I reading nonfiction? This was super tight for a debut novel. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review
The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth - Happy publication day to this book 4/13/21! I was drawn in immediately, as Sally Hepworth does. A quick read I was glued to and stayed up late to finish. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review
The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah - Does she sit and think how can I make this the saddest book ever? Maybe. Serious Kristin Hannah is typically pocked with devastation throughout, but most have some bright spots. This had very few. It was good, but it was sad literally from start to finish. I always read her, but it is beginning to feel like pain is the point. OCNJ library hard cover
Passed the Time Just Fine
Did Not Finish
The Dinner Guest by B.P. Walter - This story has good bones. From the perspective of an editor, I would have spread much of the last quarter of the book throughout, which would have made it more delicious, cutting away some other unnecessary stuff. But overall a quick and fun read. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.
You Love Me (You#3) by Caroline Kepnes - It was so nice to read in Joe’s voice again. This was a little circular at times and felt a little long and like there were too many people in it, but I truly love Joe as a character and that remains here. I don't know how much further she can go with him though. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review
The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldavsky - Today is publication day for this YA novel, a genre I like to dip my toe in from time to time. I requested it because of the title. It turned out to be good! Very quick moving because it didn't go too far below the surface character-wise. A bit of Scream in its attitude. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review
Margreete's Harbor by Eleanor Morse - If you need a moving plot, this book isn't it. This is character driven literary fiction, you are sitting next to a family for a period of 10ish years in their life. It reminds me of a book that I cannot put my finger on the title of at press time. I liked it a lot, it had a nice cadence. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review
Not Worth It
A Million Reasons Why by Jessica Strawser - This book took me almost a week to read, which is quite long for me. Pros-some very interesting what would I do and unexpected elements. I always like that, it keeps me thinking about it after I'm finished. Cons: a bit of overwriting and a little everything including the kitchen sink is in here. It could have been the timing, and I went back and forth about putting it in the category above, but the true test at the end is if I knew my end feeling, would I have read it? The answer on this one is no. Many of you will like it. Thanks to Netgalley for free copy in exchange for an honest review.
Astrid Sees All by Natalie Standiford - This was a quick read and I liked the 80s nostalgia and the near normalization of seediness. The seediness also made it feel a little empty and depressing as seediness will do. It read almost more like a YA novel, which sort of makes sense given the age of the characters? Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Lake House by Laura Wolfe - There was a lot of repetition, but also a lot of suspense and I was on the edge trying to figure out what was happening in this horror show. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.
The Last One Home by Victoria Helen Stone - It pains me to say this about a book written by the author of Jane Doe, but so fucking boring. I could not. Kindle Unlimited copy returned ASAP
Linkup Guidelines:
2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me, and check in with as many in our reading circle as you can - give some love to the later linker uppers! 2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link

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