Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Five 2.19.2021

Another gray day. I have my sun lamp out next to my face, but I'm going to need more than that. February is always a difficult month for me - I always feel like busting out, and this year is brutal with busting out options limited. But I'm safe, warm, with running water and access to food unlike many of our fellow citizens in the southern states right now. Still, five things I'm doing today to take my mind off the Februaryness of it all, the Groundhogdayness of it all, the winter restlessness of it all: 

1. Change of scenery. I'm working downstairs in the morning on my ottoman desk using the Focus Keeper app - it sets up in 25 minute increments with five minute breaks. When I use it, I write down what I'm doing in those increments so I can move from task to task (or work through a larger task) and I make sure I get my ass up on those five minute breaks to walk around and do a little stretching.

2. Starting a new book. 

3. Facing the day wearing undereye concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm.

4. Getting the fuck out of this house to get my eyebrows waxed. It's been 11 months and I've been thinking about it for months. I saw Kate post about it yesterday and I'm doing it. I'm also going into Target instead of doing curbside pickup. I need to see people I don't know. 

5. Refreshing my grocery store flowers. 

Happy weekend! What are you up to?

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