
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Self -care tips for a healthy mind

Written for the Life According to Steph audience. Author bio: Freelance writer, Delicia Warren, is passionate about the environment and the impact humans are having on the world around us. She's an advocate of holistic approaches to life's issues, including alternative medicines, as well as having an interest in helping individuals make small changes to their lifestyles to minimize their carbon footprint.

The fast-approaching new year is a welcome prospect for many people around the world, as it brings with it the promise of a compelling new horizon away from the darkness of the pandemic. 

The subjects of mental health and self-care have been at the forefront of people’s minds on a daily basis, with the increased likelihood of becoming isolated from friends and loved ones proving to be a challenging thought. 

Self-care can be a great way of ensuring that you stay positive about your current situation, as nurturing your mental health can provide you with the first step towards deciphering any of the more difficult thoughts and feelings you may possess. 

Dedicating some time to self-care can be immensely enjoyable, whilst helping you develop personally. Here are some tips for the new year that you might find useful, should you find yourself striving for some well-deserved relaxation. 

Start Reading Books

There is nothing else in the world quite like losing yourself in a fantastic book. Making time to search for an author or a genre that you love is a great way of opening an exciting new avenue for yourself. The many recognized benefits to your brain that reading provides you with include:

  • Expanding your vocabulary and general knowledge

  • Increasing emotional intelligence

  • Inspires creativity 

  • Relaxes your brain

Being consistently in contact with smartphones and laptops means that it can be easy to forget to switch off at the end of a long day. Making time for reading over listlessly scrolling through the various social media platforms might allow you to relax your brain in the evenings, thus making it easier to get some sleep.

A Stay-at-Home Spa Day

With the coronavirus restrictions in place, it might feel as though the concept of a day at the spa is nothing but a distant memory in a fading dream. Why not make an evening of bringing joy of the spa to your living room? 

You can find some exceptional beauty products and skincare treatments at NuFACE for those of you who want to capture that professional standard from the comfort of your very own home. 

A stay-at-home spa day is a great way of pampering yourself and allowing for that all important physical and mental relaxation. Candles and bubble baths are also recommended. 

Start a New Hobby

Starting a new hobby can be a superb way to keep your brain occupied. A hobby can be good for nourishing your mental dexterity and your ability to remain productive. Starting a new hobby can be a fun new journey in which to spend some of your time. This can include:

  • Painting

  • Writing

  • Exercising

  • Knitting

  • Learning an Instrument

  • Cooking

Remember to Smile

Although this may at times seem literally impossible, especially when your day is particularly rough, remembering to smile and even laugh in the face of adversity is a fantastic way to lift your spirits. 

Smiling can remind you that things aren’t always bad and even when they are, wearing a smile can help alleviate some of that unwanted stress from your life. 

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