
Friday, January 29, 2021

4 ways to revamp your home for less

With most of us being stuck inside at home for weeks on end, it’s easy to get bored and a little frustrated with seeing the same old walls. You might have also started to notice those annoying DIY projects that you had always meant to get around to sorting out and may even be feeling a little sick of your old look. 

Luckily, these issues are very easy to fix, and you don’t need to spend a lot to do it either. It’s possible to give your home a fresh lease of life with some quick and simple changes that will make your living space feel welcoming and inviting again.

Create a statement wall
A large statement wall is a great way of adding a bold new look to a room without having to put in a huge amount of effort. Start by adding in one key feature, such as a fireplace from This can be a great place to center your attention, plus you get the added benefit of it making the room cozy and warm!

You can make your statement wall as bold and dramatic or as minimal as you like; it all depends on your own personal taste. Having a richly patterned wallpaper on one wall, adding special light features or oversized artwork, or even painting it a contrasting color from the rest of the room are all great ways of achieving the look. Make it work with your centerpiece in terms of aesthetics, design, and colors. 

Add bright new colors
While toned down neutrals have long been in style, having a room filled with gray and beige can start to feel a little drab. However, this doesn’t mean you need to throw them all out – you can simply add some brighter pieces to help your home feel a little more vibrant and energized.

Try a few key pieces, such as a throw, cushions, or vase in rich primary colors or jewel tones, to add a point of interest. Even bringing in a fresh bouquet of colorful flowers can make a great difference.

Change your bedding
Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home, as it should be a place to feel relaxed and comforted. If it’s started to feel like a space that you don’t enjoy spending time in, then it’s time for a much-needed intervention.

While a bold new makeover can take time and require a lot of investment, making a small change such as adding fresh new bedding in an appropriate color scheme can do wonders to uplift it.

Freshen up your artwork
If you have a gallery wall featuring art, photographs, prints, or other items, then a great way of keeping things interesting is by rotating what is on display every few months. This can help keep your walls look new by giving you something different to focus on each time you change them. You can even tie them in with a new color scheme, just as going for a monochromatic look with black and white photos or picking images featuring a stand-out color.

This post was written with the Life According to Steph audience in mind. 

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