Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday Thoughts - I think you better turn your ticket in and get your money back at the door

1. No words for the glory of Tuesday's sunset. I credit that and a solid eight hours of sleep with elevating my mood this week. 

2. Today is my nephew's third birthday. He loves Mr. Grinch so much so I had my Mr. Grinch ready for our FaceTime this morning. He makes me laugh all the time. He is so smart and so funny, has endless energy and when he loves something he LOVES it. His joy is contagious. I am 40 years older than him and have been buoyed so many times by his joy in this shit year. He is a gift in this world in any type of year. Happy birthday Stephen III! 

3. I do not have any pretty snow photos from Winter Storm Gail to share. The shore got no snow as is mostly typical and totally fine with me, just high winds and flooding after hours of downpours. My dogs had me up at 2:26 to go for a walk since only Ben would enter the down pour to take a pee on Wednesday night. 

4. When your socks perfectly match your pants. Thanks, Tie Dye man. 

5. You all know I'm not into Christmas in general in a normal year. I do have minimal decor out at the shore though (the Christmas 2020 sign is in Philly) and I love my Christmas mugs so 12+ mugs of Christmas happens on Instagram this year. Minimal Christmas decor-wise feels great to me when not much else does. 
6. I've wanted these boots for three years. I got them on big sale earlier this year and they have been awesome in wet weather. I wore them Monday when I was driving all over creation doing contactless delivery to staff. I got to see some people including my soul sister Beth and it was so great but also sad knowing that is not going to be the norm for a while. No company holiday party etc. this year. 

7.  This week has been hard. Harder than in a while. My creativity is largely missing and it's hard to write again, in a time of year in which I really need both on demand for work. I have to work whenever those skills make themselves available, and sometimes that's 11 pm - 1 am. My focus in general is also off and I've made mistakes I'd never normally make. I'm tired and my brain feels fried. This Life in Corona Land year of hills and valleys, man. It's been a while since I've been in the valley and I don't miss it down here. I don't usually take the entire time between Christmas Eve and New Year's off because I like to have a quiet day or two to organize myself for the coming year and just because I find it hard to motivate in January after a prolonged time off. This year I have to burn the days but I need the break anyway, desperately. Just to not be responsible for anything for a while. The canine coworkers are fine either way.
8.  This complete rotten asshole (stole that from my BF Kim who is in education) is utterly insane to think career ed people who actually care about public education will take a damn word of advice from her. Particularly when they have spent the last four years sparring with her as the lead says. She is awful like the majority of this administration from hell. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Or let it. I don't fucking care. Just go. I'm not even going to get into the fucking ridiculous Wall Street Journal Op-Ed sexist patronizing patriarchal bullshit because I nearly stroked the fuck out over it last weekend and I am just not doing it today. I'm sick of all the bullshit and I want Congress to get survival checks to the American people right fucking now. People are suffering and we have the resources for that not to happen. If you can pass an astronomical military budget larger than the next 10 countries in the world combined and tax cuts for the rich you can keep people from hunger and eviction. Desperation breeds crime and then you'll blame that on people when it's your fucking fault. Get to fucking work.
9. Reminder: when you're feeling not great. Everyone is winging it. Everyone. 
10. Ecards - this year especially. I need to write it down or it's fucking gone.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Omaha by Counting Crows - I'd sort of like to turn my ticket in on this year and get my money back

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