
Monday, October 5, 2020

TWTW - the one with framily

Friday I did some favorite WFH only behaviors like getting an early start on the day with the hope of an early Friday finish, and soaking my feet and painting my nails  while doing so (Essie Spice it Up and Essie Payback's a Witch) and throwing chicken in the air fryer. I had a lot of projects I wanted to tie up so I ended up working until 6:30, taking a long walk, eating food Melissa brought down, and hanging with her and Zoe and the best friend dogs. 
Saturday I did some cleaning and organizing in the morning, and porch sitting of course. Lunch was a fun plate and I rounded out the day with a sunset romp with the best friend dogs. In between I hit the beach with Melissa, Jim, and the kids. It was a really nice day for a Saturday in October and it was nice to spend some hours on the beach with them. I read a book and Melissa, Zo and I walked to the far Kohr's to get pumpkin cinnamon swirls. They took off around 6 I think? I love when people leave me notes and I don't think anyone has left my house cleaner than Melissa. This year has been wild but I don't think it would have been possible schedule-wise especially for them with their activities and on our end to have this weekend open in the house at the shore to get to spend time together over a three+ day period. It was really nice. 

Sunday I don't often eat waffles, but when I do I load them up with so much sugar and syrup you can barely recognize them. Since dogs are officially back on the beach, I thought I would test the Best Friends on Beach and Chill. There was no chill. Bruce wanted to sit in the chair or on me, Ben wanted to chase birds. The best friends are the beach walk and beach run and beach explore dogs. They are not the Beach and Chill dogs. I lounged in the afternoon before my brother in law and sister in law arrived with my dog nephew Harry. Ben is not a good on leash meeting dog and after he got over that, his bark is still shrill AF but we took them all down to the beach anyway and it was a nice little sunset. I hung upstairs with them for a while then fell asleep on the couch only to wake up disoriented an hour later when MFD arrived with the old dogs. 

Of course since my day today is busy, I was unable to go back to sleep until 1:15. Isn't that always the way? 

Happy happy birthday to Aunt Carrie today! I was lucky enough to spend mine with her this year.

How was your weekend? 

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