1. My niece turns five today. She’s funny and smart, has a great imagination and shiny joy inside of her that she brings to everyone. Her mind is a steel trap, she never forgets a damn thing and that makes me laugh a lot when she comes at me with something I have said in the past. She's the best. Happy birthday Lola Jean! Shelling last night, I picked up lots of cool rocks for her and some perfect treasures for me too.
2. Amazing skies this week. This was a walk yesterday after work. Last night's Harvest Moon, this morning's cool clouds with a line of pink on the horizon. I'm here for it.
3. Wear a mask inside and outside when you cannot social distance and have a voting plan. Take all of this shit very fucking seriously.
4. My friend of 30 years Melissa and her husband Jim and the kids and dog are down for a few days staying upstairs in the house. Since girls weekend was cancelled it’s been over a year since we have seen each other. So great to spend time together and she brought me these flowers too that I love.
5. Engaged in some WFH behavior this morning, soaking my feet while I mainlined coffee and got the early jump on work so I can halt work early because it's Friiiiiiiiiiday and I have no deadliiiiiiiiiines. What WFH only behavior are you engaging in today?
It's not all heady skies and flowers. The best friends are co-spite peeing inside since they have extreme separation anxiety due to us all being together constantly and are now for sale just kidding maybe, I have mascne, and I'm that asshole who forgot to send their wedding RSVP on time to my cousin. I hate those people and here I am one.
Short and sweet. Hoping the weekend is looong feeling and sweet. Too much to ask?

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