Friday Tropical Storm Fay was in town, and I tried to make a trip down the block to Walgreen's in between rain but got caught and soaked. A good day to put your head down and work and to apply a face mask while doing it. File under: things you can do only when working from home. I grabbed dinner from Bennie's, then fell asleep for an hour around 5:30. I was dead tired.
I took a walk down on the beach, winds were still up and clouds were weird and wonderful. Still weird to see empty parking spots right next to the boardwalk in July. I spent the night reading.
Saturday Guests leaving were late checking out, I had my exterminator coming, had to switch out a bunch of stuff in the house, went through all the kitchen cabinets and had to hand wash quite a few things which is unfortunately normal at certain points in the summer. After four hours of work and a million up and down three flights of steps and sweating every drop of water in my body out, I was done. And totally spent. I showered and painted my nails (old favorite: Essie Sunday Funday) and then went to see Kim and Libby and Steve for a porch hang and dinner from Rojos Tacos. I was back at the apartment by 7:30, took a long walk with the best friend dogs, caught some sunset, and finished a book.
Sunday I slept in until 8:30, did some cleaning up in the apartment and on the porch, then enjoyed the breeze out there for quite a while. It's been too humid to have the windows open or the dogs out on the porch over the past week so Sunday morning was literally a breath of fresh air. Last week was stressful AF and the relaxation was welcome.
I did some blogging and some taking care of rental business and some tax shit before starting a new book. MFD arrived later with the old dogs, then we met Kim and Steve and Libby down in the North End for a beach visit. It was a nice night, except someone was lost at sea and as of this morning they have not found him. MFD and I reached the parking lot at the same time as the group missing him. The grief and fear was palpable in the night air. How fucking devastating for those people.
I'm off today and tomorrow or Wednesday, I haven't decided yet. Show Us Your Books is tomorrow!

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