Friday, June 19, 2020

Today is Friday and I am

Out of office.

Full of That Friday Feeling. 

Spending the day with my Mom for her birthday (happy birthday to my cousin Ashley too)

Headed to Cape May Brewery later.

Happy MFD installed new blinds and hung up a second kid book basket before he left yesterday.

Commemorating Juneteenth 

Eating Johnson's buttered popcorn like I'm going to the chair. 

Preparing to go back to Philadelphia for a few days on Sunday for the first time since May 12. Seeing my Dad of course, and also getting my car inspected and going to the dentist to finally deal with the filling that half fell out the third week of quarantine

Cleaning up excessive amounts of dog hair and considering this deshedding tool

Investigating additional ways to take payment for shore rentals and perusing sites like and considering updating photos because it has been at least a year and I always think I'll be better at that then I never am

Pointing out that your president and his team used a Nazi symbol in his campaign ad 

You? What's on deck for the weekend?

Have a great one! 

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