Friday Coffee and dogs before I kicked off my workday. I got my second cup of coffee from other people. OPC for the win. Mom sweetened up the middle of the day by dropping off baked goods. I was supposed to help pack food for the Recovery House initiative after work but got caught up in a work project. Instead when I was done I planted bulbs, packed up food and clothes, and left for the shore at 10 pm. When I got there it was a wild mess - furniture had been delivered and shit was all askew and MFD had to leave before putting it to rights - so I got some of that put away and fell out around 1. I so missed Bruce realizing we were arriving at the shore and looking out the back and side windows (car is in park). Packing up and heading down felt super normal. 

Saturday Dog walks and more organizing and moving stuff around in the apartment. I took the dogs to Dog Beach, which was open (beaches in Ocean City still are not open) and everyone was keeping distance and/or wearing masks when they came near others. All photos I saw were that case but people were sitting on beaches which is not allowed, so they ended up closing Dog Beach yesterday and Corson's Inlet (beaches there are a state park, which opened Saturday) Saturday night. It felt weird to be on the beach but it also feels weird to be here and not be at the beach either at sunrise or to take a walk or whatever. It's all weird. Then I came home and read the Internet, which is never a good idea anymore, is it? Readjustment is going to be hard. It seems like 85% of us are sure everyone ASIDE from us are doing it wrong.
I had myself a little driveway party with no actual party elements so basically I sat in my driveway by myself while Bruce stared at me through the screen door. Lots of reading, then I made rice and sausages for dinner. MFD arrived with the old dogs around 7 and we lounged out on the new sectional. I read and he watched TV. Chill night.
Sunday My day started with rain and poop (read that clickable caption, I can't go into it again) and totally improved from there. After we purged and organized the apartment, MFD went fishing and I spent the afternoon finishing a book, starting another, eating leftovers, hanging with dogs, walking dogs, sitting on the porch with dogs, and seeing a lovely sunset.

I'm still at the shore, will head back to Philly tonight or tomorrow.
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