Friday work work, then convened on the basement couch with the fam. I read most of the night. Nails: OPI Lost My Bikini in Molokini & China Glaze Too Yacht to Handle. We started Hunters on Amazon but I was asleep within minutes.
Saturday I was alone in my house. For more than three hours. MFD and Vincent were out volunteering for Caring for Friends, getting food packages ready for home bound people. I finished a book, started another, lounged, and enjoyed knowing no other human was even breathing in my vicinity. They picked up Reen's on the way back so I had a hoagie for lunch and wings for dinner and we watched Hunters all afternoon and evening. We're all about to see the extent of MFD's hair too.
Sunday was Eva the Diva's 6th birthday so a car parade was in order. MFD brought his megaphone. Pics stolen from Evan Leslie Images and also a still from Frank's video. It was nice/hard to see friends. Like my heart swelled with joy and I started to cry behind my glasses and couldn't look directly at people. LOL this is all so fucking weird. My Dad also dropped off turkey and cupcakes and stuff for a cute "complete" turkey dinner. And a happy rock in my favorite color. Since I forgot to brush my teeth and applied eye cream to my entire face that morning, I just chilled outside for four hours in the afternoon, finishing a book and starting another. MFD and I watched Better Off Dead. Our dryer sensor started blinking so we put clothes outside to dry and will try trouble shooting that Monday.
Weekly food prep: Something with ground beef is on the menu today. Veggies and pasta and ground beef? I don't know. It's Vincent's birthday today so I'm going to make some pie thing too.

Week four. The forecast is good here for the week, and I'm thankful for that. Petty FWP sad to be missing Easter at the shore with Mom and fam.
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