Friday glorious weather to sit outside after work. I'm trying to keep a semblance of normalcy and end around 4 like I would if I wanted to escape the office on a Friday which I can't imagine wanting to do again soon. I sat out back with the dogs, then out front to read by myself while MFD and Vincent were volunteering packing up food for home-bound people. I did a zoom call with Debbie, Mom, and Lori. Melissa was supposed to join but was still working. I assed out on the couch early.
Saturday I watch TV again on purpose. I watched all of No One Saw A Thing and the first season of A Discovery of Witches in its entirety. To start MFD made breakfast. In between I read and made a standard packet dip plus dinner - roasted broccoli, asparagus, and grape tomatoes with egg noodles and sauteed onions and garlic.
For those who will ask - I read the first book (A Discovery of Witches) in the trilogy - I liked the story but did not like the writing enough to continue on to the other two books. I like the show a lot. For those who did not read it, I don't typically watch shows that come from books so I'm not sure if my enjoyment is colored by previous knowledge or not.
Both No One Saw a Thing and A Discovery of Witches can be streamed on Sundance Now and they're doing a free 30 day trial instead of their usual seven day - I think the code is SUNDANCE30 but it's on their facebook page if that's not it.
Sunday was another gray day and the gray days are harder. Especially when another 30 days of quarantine come down and even though you were expecting it you still don't feel okay with it. I had to go to the store in the morning, which is a task now. Came home and wiped down items, threw clothes in the wash, took a shower, did a mask and eye mask, read, messed up the kitchen and used up sweet potatoes that were turning to accompany steamed broccoli and chicken thighs in the air fryer, then pulled canned peaches from the pantry to make peach cobbler bread. I sunk lower into quarantine and watched quite a few Love is Blind episodes. Who am I? Also finished Parable of the Sower - a world ending dystopian novel is maybe leaning too far into this global pandemic that has us quarantined in our houses.
Weekly food prep: Getting deep in that pantry and the freezers this week. Let's see what happens.

Week three on the interior. Hanging our Keep Calm Stay Home signs in the front window today. I want to get out of my fucking house which requires other people to take this seriously.
How are you doing?
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