This is a birthday I will not forget both because the world got super crazy and because it was so good despite that. It was wild to be traveling and not at home when Philly started shutting down and to return to an entirely different city and set of circumstances than we left. That being said we could not have been in a better place or with better people - we went down to Hutchinson Island, FL, to visit Aunt Carrie and Uncle Jim in their paradise. We don't get to spend a ton of time with them and hardly any one on one time so it was nice to be together, hang out, have absolutely delicious meals with stellar views, and experience what they love so much about where they are. Aunt Carrie kept saying it's their all-inclusive and they certainly spoiled us with dinners and anything we could need or want. Their spot is calm and quiet, beautiful and peaceful. It was truly relaxing and while traveling back made me anxious AF, I had a wonderful time.
Scenes from their beautiful community, including and most especially their beach less than a three minute walk away and their awesome courtyard with flowers and a constant breeze and a tinkling fountain.
Delicious food and even more delicious views.
Our only outing was interesting as hell - The House of Refuge at Gilbert's Bar, a Florida Heritage site. I had no idea these houses existed.
Books. Always.
If you know us, you know we spent a ton of time on the beach. MFD did a lot of fishing, I did a lot of reading and shell hunting. We both swam a lot.
But of course the main attraction was the time we got to spend with Aunt Carrie and Uncle Jim. We're so lucky to have these two, and in a world that up until a few days ago has been go go go everywhere for everyone, it was nice to have a few days carved out to spend together. As a bonus, I got to see my college roommate Jody too, which happens so infrequently.

I'm going to try to keep things as normal as possible here and across my social media channels. Being socially distant, I am not going to get through this with constant Covid-19 posting or obsessing, and I can't read that from others so I can't contribute to it myself. I am taking this serious as a heart attack but I need to laugh and see things that are not related to the world burning. I hope you'll join me in normalizing as much as we can within this new normal. Allow yourself space and grace to breathe and be human.
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