Friday I worked from home with my daytime outing being playing lite brite with Amelia while Michelle was at her conference and picking up a donut after, so good start. After work I got a pedicure for the first time since freaking October. I made pizza and salad for dinner, purged the china cabinet, lined the it with contact paper until I ran out and had to order more, and read at night.
Saturday I was up at the ass crack, seriously before even the dogs so I got a load of laundry going and did some reading, put laundry away, wrote my SUYB post, purged some drawers, and did more laundry (since MFD was sick with the stomach virus, literally everything that can be washed is getting washed). The two new end chairs for the dining room arrived so MFD assembled those. I spent the afternoon watching Lola Jean and Baby Steeeve and they are a riot. My Dad & Carol came over so I got to spend a few hours with them too. We were outside as the sun was going down and Lola pointed out the signs of spring to me. I stopped at Target to return something and pick up eggs and stepped right into Doomsday Preppers. Remain calm, people who are not immune-compromised. Stop hoarding, leave some shit out there for people who are compromised.

Birthday week is upon us! Three day week, visiting Aunt Carrie & Uncle Jim! Then opening the shore after that, hence the title of this post! Show Us Your Books tomorrow! All the exclamation points too apparently!
How was yours?
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