2. This week has been another sprint. I don't have the bandwidth for anything other than TWTW, Thursday Thoughts (sorry for the oddly sized/spaced photos, I’m doing this entirely on my phone), and book posts in this space right now. I miss flexing my writing muscles on non-technical writing, but I'm always okay with quick hits and lists, which is what I did the first year I had this blog back in 2011. Doing more technical writing and editing than I have in a while has drained my brain.
3. What’s coming to Florida with me to read:
4. What’s not coming to Florida with me:
5. Please get your information on coronavirus and best protocols from the World Health Organization and scientific leaders in the field, not your conspiracy theory friends, your devil may care friends, or your overpanicked friends. Watching the 24/7 news cycle and constant social media scrolling and feeding on paranoia are not helpful in any way. Take precautions. If you are sick at all, stay home, not because you feel bad enough to, but because there are people with compromised immunity who require you to be a good human. And that’s not just staying home from work - it’s starting home from errands and fun stuff too. Ask someone to run your errands. Check in on your sick or elderly neighbors even if you don’t know them well. Do not hoard resources. Help each other. Think of others. Keep living as long as that is the protocol and if the protocol calls for you to stop living and be still, do that. Fear is not a good way to live. Remain calm and observe the protocols the WHO is handing down. Make a small, stylish wave a thing. Do what you can for hourly/service industry/gig workers who have already felt economic impact. Do what you can for medical staff and first responders. Thank the grocery store/pharmacy/etc and delivery empolyees. Take care of each other. We are all we’ve got. This is going to be unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and difficult for a while. Show each other grace. Be a good, hygienic, sharing human.
7. If you had a small, dark interior hallway that endures a lot of wear and tear (think constant scraping luggage) what color would you paint it?
8. I’m off today, tomorrow, and Monday. Hello, extra long birthday weekend.
9. Reminder: via seedsofsovereignty
What appears after the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts is a song lyric to whatever I'm listening to when I start to write the post. This week is You Wreck Me by Tom Petty
9. Reminder: via seedsofsovereignty
10. Ecards:

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