2. As Gwen stated on the 'gram earlier this week. when the going gets tough, the tough do their nails. One of my favorites: Zoya Rikki.
3. Trying to get my mind around the scale and impact of the unprecedented Covid-19 global pandemic is difficult. It's hard to come to terms with being unable to know or control anything. Might we lose everything? Yes. Might we not? Also yes. Is it going to be hard either way? 100% yes. I was watching a friend's video on Instagram yesterday and she was like just chill, because you can't control any of it. I'm trying to access that part of me. When the world is hugely uncertain, I try to control what I can which is hard when you're stuck in the house with people who don't enjoy that.
4. I think the word of the week is unprecedented. Do you agree?
5. How about those pets though, huh? They are enjoying an UNPRECEDENTED amount of time with their humans. And in this house, getting on the table like jackholes. Also don't fret, more art is going on that back wall. The second piece has arrived but the third is still in transit. I know It looks like one pea in a pot of soup right now.
6. In these UNPRECEDENTED times I'm trying to keep things as normal as possible across platforms. I will of course write about things related to this because this is what we're living with right now and I write about life. I'm on Instagram stories checking in via video at some point daily (trying for lunchtime) and checking in with a book or reading related post between 5-6 every day just to do some normal book chatting using the hashtag #quaranreading if you'd like to do the same (at whatever time/day you post about books or reading, not daily if that's not your jam). I put up a new reading highlight too and will put old content in there when I get a chance. I never offer to one off recommend books but that stance has been relaxed in times of Covid so hit me up if you need a book to lose yourself in. Of course I've also got your dog content and your mug content which are v. important.
7. I stripped our bed to the bones yesterday. Other beds will get the same treatment as I multitask throughout the workday. Our dining room chairs will get finished at some point this weekend, we did the first seat last night and I’m happy with the fabric. MFD is going to deal with his dressing room amid working - houses are still buying and selling, so if you need a realtor hit him up. At the shore we're holding up work our plumbers have scheduled on the bathroom and they called about that on Wednesday so we have to get that opened up and get the stuff down there for it or we're going to get bumped. A sectional is supposed to arrive Monday too. We'll see if that happens. If it does, we have to move furniture for that. If you are a person who has a second home somewhere, I hope that if you go there during this to practice social distancing in that house instead, you do not use any of their stores or their gas or anything in public and bring every last supply from home. While you can be in any home social distancing, those more vacation areas are not equipped to handle an increase in population at this time.
8. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
9. Reminder:
What appears after the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts is a song lyric to whatever I'm listening to when I start to write the post. This week is Wrecking Ball by Bruce Springsteen
10. Ecards: love in the time of corona - check out Lindsay's blog post from yesterday.

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