March's visible monthly to do list:
1. Continue no buy for unnecessary items/mindless buying/consuming.
2. Continue daily walks - now in the 40/40, 40 min of exercise a day for the Lent period, which I observe in absolutely no other way.
3. Stretch daily. I have never been a stretcher and I really feel that at what will be 43 this month so I must focus on it. My brain does not like yoga but my body likes yoga stretches (not pose holding) so I'm looking for something I can do at home that's not all yoga-y but has the stretching. Any recommendations?
4. Chiropractor & acupuncturist & possibly doctor because after a year it might be time to investigate this neck problem further than acu/chiro/massage
5. Get mammo & skin check
6. New recipes: including some dips for Year of Dip
7. Spring Equinox
8. Get a pedicure. I am in desperate, desperate need.
9. Buy sinks and faucets for smaller bathrooms at the shore and tile for one of the bath floors
10. Schedule shore house opening, couch delivery, and plumbing work
11. Dining room update in Philly: paint walls, chairs, china and corner cabinets; reupholster chair seats; purchase new mirror and two end chairs, purge both cabinets, get rid of old table and mirror
12. Small celebrations all month
I used to do monthly goals, then I went to quarterly goals, then back to loose monthly goals, then no goals except a few big mamas, now just a tracker for monthly to dos/should be dones. January's. February's.
What's on your agenda for the month?
Hope everyone in Super Tuesday states is out there voting today! Remember, you're not a pundit. You're a voter. Don't worry about electability. Vote for who you want to be President.

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