Friday I worked from home and switched it up a little. Instead of starting work at 7, I read for a bit and painted my nails (Zoya Madeline). Then I took a break to meet Michelle for lunch at Maggie's, dropped a box off at the post office and returned library books, and picked up a few groceries. Around five I made italian wedding soup for dinner, and dip three and four of the year (dips are being saved on an instagram highlight at the top of my profile with either where I got the recipe or what it is-some of them will make their way here but that’s where they are for now), worked from about 7:30-10 in the basement, and did a zillion loads of laundry (including the couch covers) while MFD hosted a debate party upstairs. I went to bed around midnight. Flexible work schedule rocks.
Saturday was a leisurely start. I put laundry away, did my walk, then spent much of the day finishing a book and doing some organizing. We went to Dad & Carol's for family dinner and looked through a bunch of old photos and stuff from my Grandmom & Pop, which I love doing. I took Grandmom's dictionary home with me. I started a new book and had to force myself to put it down and go to sleep at midnight, it was so good.
Sunday night I started another book and half watched the Oscars.

Show Us Your Books is tomorrow! See you back here for that.
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