2. Yesterday was a perfect day to walk to the library - 53 and sunny on January 15? Don't mind if I do. Speaking of books, have you caught up on all the Show Us Your Books posts? Do you know Jana and I are hosting a readathon this weekend? 8 am Saturday to 8 am Sunday? Hashtag suggestions?
3. Adjusting for population size, England and Wales would have 272 to our 53,290. With private prisons and people getting rich off of incarceration and the prison industrial complex, we have been designed for this. How are we okay with this? Why do we think prison is the answer for everything?4. Yes, Virginia, I did postpone my cavity dentist appointment this week. Let me live. I am going to the chiropractor today and acupuncture tomorrow. Keeping those appointments.
5. Huge thanks to Vincent for helping us out with priming and painting the spare room in the basement (BEHR Cherubic) just in time for my mother in law to return for another visit today.
6. This year's first foray into Girl Scout Cookies, ordered from our VA family!
9. Reminder:
10. Ecards:

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