Friday Friday!
I used to do monthly goals, then I went to quarterly goals, then back to loose monthly goals, then no goals except a few big mamas. I need a visible monthly to do list, so here it is for January:
1. No spend outside of necessities except for a new book coming out by a friend. Bought that book, also failed by buying a dish at Marshalls (5.99)
2. Find and purchase bathroom vanity and faucet for shore (work is getting done there, necessity). Done and done
3. Cook through pantry and freezer. Working on it still, have not gone nuts on food shopping outside of this
4. Make sure basement room is primed and painted. Done
5. Purge photo albums and organize photos. This is actually my plan for 1/31. I know, wild Friday night to close out the month
6. Walk youngest dogs on days without precipitation Only successful the last two weeks of the month
7. Change photos on blog header and blog facebook page (I actually did this yesterday, it had been over two freaking years) Done
8. Show Us Your Books readathon the weekend of January 18 Done
9. Work on shore house website Not done
10. Watch The Ranch Finished first season, not sure if I will continue
11. Chiropractor & acupuncturist & heinous but necessary dentist Done, done, done
12. Rest, relax, recoup I've had a great relaxing month with enough sleep and hibernating to feel good
And finally wish my BFF Laura a very happy birthday today. Love you Laur!
What's on your agenda for the month?

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