Burning this candle. The wick is wood and while that's cool and all, it doesn't burn the same as the other Evil Queens I've burned through that left zero anything on the side of the candle and burned clean and straight down.
Buying a Butterball turkey from Aldi for 87 cents/pound. That's a great price. If you are in the market, check your local Aldi. Their sales are Saturday to Saturday so get on it.
Looking forward to the weekend.
Painting my nails with Sally Insta-Dri in Midnight Drive and Essie No Place Like Chrome.
Rejoicing in local victories. A black single mother from North Philly took a seat on City Council to beat out many republicans and showed the establishment democrats who belongs where in Philadelphia this week. This is the first time in 70 years a candidate outside of the two party system has won one of the minority seats on Council. You're on notice, Philly politicians of both sides - work for the people or the people will vote you the fuck out. Thank you Working Families Party. More candidates like this who will govern for the middle class and poor and not cater to the rich and corporations running for seats across the country please. News is good in all surrounding Philadelphia suburbs as well. Local races send big messages and there were lots of messages sent out of southeastern PA yesterday. KY and VA too. I hope you voted Tuesday. Local elections matter. Shit rolls both up and downhill in politics and if you don't attack it at all levels, you aren't doing your job as a citizen. Start figuring out now when your primary is in the spring. Who is running that represents your values? What can you do to help get them into office?
LOLing because I say bag of dicks all the time
Sending Christmas cards again this year. I took last year off. After the election I didn't want to do a fucking thing to put myself out there more even to people I know. I still don't, most days. But I'm back on the card train. They're ordered, they've arrived. I'm halfway finished with my Christmas shopping too. I don't have much, but still. I don't love the Christmas season so I make it as stress-free as possible. That way what I'm doing that's holiday related at the end of November and throughout December is stuff I actually want to do.
Reading advanced reader copies in November. That's the plan, anyway. Except, of course, what I'm reading right now because whenever I make a blanket statement I must immediately contradict myself. Show Us Your Books is Tuesday. That came up quickly, didn't it?
What's new with you?

Linking up with Kristen
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