Things I'm looking forward to before the end of the month
1. Days off
2. Friendsgiving
3. Time with the fam
Things I’m happy with
1. My review being over. It was good and it has pretty much always been but reviews are not my comfort zone.
2. Deciding to decorate the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I am an after Thanksgiving decorator but we leave for the shore Thanksgiving night and I won't be back until Monday night or Tuesday morning.
3. Extended weekends at the shore this weekend and next. Time is winding down there so I’m making the most of it.
Things I don’t understand
1. Republicans in Congress
1. Republicans in Congress
2. People who go through the trouble to arrange to pick up an item posted on an online yard sale then disappear into thin air. Like, just don’t engage if you never plan on getting the item.
3. Less energy in my early 40s than in my late 30s
Things I love to eat at Thanksgiving
1. The skin on the turkey
2. Sweet potatoes
3. Pumpkin Pie
Things I need from the store
1. Toilet paper
2. Yams
3. window caulk
Things I don't like to do
1. Throw food out - such a waste when people don't have enough and can't afford to eat
2. Clean out my work bag
3. Wash my hair - happy to have a hair appointment today so someone else can wash it LOL
Things I've said out loud to strangers this week
1. "Are you really going to stand there?"
2. "How can you make 60 people walk the length of two train cars instead of you walking one and opening the doors?"
3. "I like your coat."
Things that smell good in this season
1. Turkey roasting
2. Burning leaves
3. Pre-snow air
Happy happy birthday Steph!
Now you.

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