Places I never want to go
-Old Country Buffet
Places I always want to go
Appetizers I will eat at any time
-mozzarella sticks
Wall colors in my house
Things I'm looking forward to this month
-OCNJ Fall Block Party with framily
-Making headway on some projects
-Investigating what my rules for a no spend year might look like
Places I enjoyed in my youth
-Every playground swingset (still enjoy those)
-Penny candy stores (would still enjoy but they do not exist)
-Used book stores (still enjoy those)
Things I'm looking forward to this month
-OCNJ Fall Block Party with framily
-Making headway on some projects
-Investigating what my rules for a no spend year might look like
Places I enjoyed in my youth
-Every playground swingset (still enjoy those)
-Penny candy stores (would still enjoy but they do not exist)
-Used book stores (still enjoy those)
Things 10 year old me never expected to spend so much money on
-insurance of any kind - health, life, car, home, flood etc
-insurance of any kind - health, life, car, home, flood etc
-water bills
Now you.
-water bills
Now you.

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