Five years with this linkup. That's a long time, especially in blog life. If you've joined Jana and me with a post of your own zero times, one time, or 60 times; if you've read one book a month or 15 books a month, if you've found someone in this linkup who is your reading mirror or if you're still looking for someone to talk books with outside of here, if you've read these posts and commented every time or read them and commented never, thank you. I love reading communities, especially ours - there are no rules aside from the must love books rule, and that's really more a way of life, no?
To celebrate five years, we're giving books away to five people: a book from your wishlist, something you've read and would like to own, something you've been dying to read, physical books or kindle books, books to read with your kid, something that's coming out in the next few months you'd like to reserve a copy of so it's delivered as soon as it hits the shelves, a book to give as a holiday gift, whatever you want, as long as the book(s) you want total $15 or under per winner (i.e. one book for $15 or four books that add up to $15). There will be five winners. Enter here:
Here's what I've been reading since the last linkup.
Buy it links are affiliate links and buying through them supports this link up - earnings over the last year helped to cover two of the prizes in today's giveaway. A year of affiliate links yields under $ one is getting rich off of this shit, believe me. Well, I'm not anyway LOL
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane - I loved this book during and after reading it and I closed it without being able to articulate exactly why. I liked the writing and really loved Kate and quite a few of the other characters even though it felt written to give the reader a peek-a-boo look into the characters at different points in their lives rather than a serious character study. Ocean City library hard cover buy it
Her Silent Cry (Detective Josie Quinn #6) by Lisa Regan - Still residual annoyance of one of the main characters but mostly back on track. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review buy it
Passed the Time Just Fine
The Bones She Buried (Detective Josie Quinn #5) by Lisa Regan - I liked and hated this book. One of the main cast of characters completely rubbed me the wrong way and I wanted to put it down but since I knew more books were coming I did not. Philly library paperback buy it
Bethlehem by Karen Kelly - I chose this book because it would be geographically familiar to me. I think it wanted to be a sweeping epic and it wasn't that but I still enjoyed it. I'm not sure how much of that is due to familiarity with the area. Ocean City library hard cover buy it
The Art of Inheriting Secrets by Barbara O'Neal - This is by the author of When We Were Mermaids, which I fucking loved. This book was not as searing or deep but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Paperback, own buy it
Not Worth It
White Lies by Lucy Dawson - No. All of it. I finished it and I'm not sure why. I picked it up on a whim from a display and my good read radar was off. Ocean City library hard cover
What have you been reading?
Linkup Guidelines:
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is November 12, 2019
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me, and check in with as many in our reading circle as you can - give some love to the later linker uppers! 2. Link back to us in your blog post - if you want the button you can get it from that link

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