Friday MFD was at the shore and I was up at 3:50 a.m. with our visiting dog friend Baxter who stayed with us from Thursday to Sunday. Work work work during the day. After that I made power breakfast muffins to freeze and read. I left for the shore sans dogs around 8:15 as MFD was on his way home from there. I did some organizing and prep work when I got there, tried to buy a card at Rite Aid and failed since they're liquidating everything, and fell out.
Saturday outdoor clean up, turnover in house clean up including attempting to tighten a toilet seat and figure out a ceiling fan problem, about a million walking errands, assembling a new fan, and cleaning our apartment. I was on the run from 7:30a-3 p when I paused, hydrated, painted my nails with Sally quick dri, got a five second shower, and headed to the library then out of town.
Saturday afternoon gathering at Frank & Amanda's with framily. I was only there for a little under two hours and I wish I could have stayed much longer. MFD ended up going back around 10 but I simply could not even speak at that point I was so tired.
Saturday night bingo benefiting Advocates for Homeless & Those in Need where MFD volunteers and is on the board. No one won bingo but I did win two baskets. It was fun.
I got home around 10:15 and was just done. The morning felt like days before. All of my reading material was in MFD's car. I swear I sat on the couch staring stupidly into space with my teeth in my mouth.
Sunday I was dying to sleep in, but no. Another night of less than six hours of sleep. I was up by 7, changed the sheets, did a bunch of wash, and hit Aldi and Giant. I love the trolley bags Aubrey got for me. Back at home I continued laundry, started a new book, and did food prep.
After a little lay down on the couch, I headed to Mom & Rich's for family dinner. It was nice to sit outside and relax. And try on my mom's glasses. Big glasses, big laughs, big fun.
I got home around 8 and that's all she wrote.
Weekly food prep: Breakfast is greek yogurt with granola. Lunches are fun boxes. Dinners are shredded buffalo chicken over spinach and tomato sandwiches with corn on the cob.

This weekend was five minutes long. Much longer for the victims and families of the mass shootings. Plural. Much, much longer.
Happy birthday to my college roommate Jody!
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