Thursday I had company in the passenger seat because some dog threw up on the way to the shore and Ben and Gus were in the non-puke spots. We arrived to glorious skies and I nearly had a hanger meltdown in the grocery store but everyone made it out alive.
Friday Work, overseen by dog bosses. MFD went to see his mom and then went home for a showing so after work I moseyed around to see what was in bloom, picked up holds from the library, painted my nails (Essie Penny Talk & OPI Lost My Bikini in Molokini), and when MFD got back we went up to the boards for a stroll and ice cream. We ran into Jen & Neil & the girls and it was great to see them. It was a breezy, comfortable night, and I was surprised.
Saturday dawned neither breezy nor comfortable. I made egg salad and after doing turnover in the house upstairs, MFD braved the beach to fish but I said fuck that and the surface of the sun heat and dicked around reading a book halfway through that I should have put down hours ago. I started a new one right before bed and it hit the spot.
Sunday Just another morning living on the surface of the MFing sun. Do you see my pics getting less and less as it gets hotter and hotter? If it's too hot for me to go to the beach or take photos, you know there's a problem. I finished a book, dropped MFD off to fish, spent a few hours with Kim and my goddaughter and her fam, and came home to eat tomato sandwiches and start a new book. I spent the entire day as a sweaty, disgusting pig mess and I'm over it.
Weekly food prep: My schedule is up in the air this week and so is my food. Bet on fruits & veggies and I'm definitely making macaroni salad at some point.

And Mister Chris's birthday was yesterday.
I'm looking forward to being able to breathe outside again.
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