Doing non-celebratory things today because I'm not in a celebratory mood. Patriotism is complicated. You can love something and still see and acknowledge that it has serious flaws. I want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to be equal for all and for the flag to stand for ALL of us, to right the wrongs of colonization and the fact that this was all built on the backs of slave labor. Blind flag waving doesn’t make any problem go away, ask any fascist dictatorship that’s been and gone or is still operating to the peril of its people. There are fucking military tanks in the nation's capital more closely resembling military propaganda parades of dictatorships than an American parade and your president has a partisan perversion of the Fourth planned and I'm not fucking here for it. Add to that the fact that the National Park Service has to divert $2.5 million from its budget for today's D.C. shitdoggle + the report from the Department of Homeland Security on abhorrent conditions in concentration camps + a host of other things and I'm just not doing it today. Dissent is patriotic and if you don’t think so, you probably only like to acknowledge the parts of history that serve your narrow worldview because this country? It was fucking born of dissent. And if you are a “leave if you don’t like it here” person, I assume you would have said that to the revolutionaries and prefer God Save the Queen to any of our songs. Yes? If no, stop saying that. It’s ignorant of this country’s own history.
Picking up, packing up, and getting my shit together. It's nice to have a day off before vacation to get my shit together, and a holiday to boot. MFD does the mummery most of the day and I like to be home because of the fireworks/dogs combo.
Having a free extra day off tomorrow thanks to my awesome company. I plan to use it to run final errands and get a pedicure...I was going to do it myself but I need to call in the professionals on these feet since I am barefoot or in the sand almost 24/7 at the shore. They are not well and it is a S.O.S. situation. Plus Debbie and I are going to go together so that'll be fun.
Trying this new face wash from Farmacy. Every time I cheap out on face wash my skin goes berserk and I'm over it. The Body Shop made the cleanser I was using with success largely inaccessible so I started looking for something else and went cheap with a few and it's a mess over here and has been since the end of March. With the multiple reapplications of sunscreen on weekends, I really need a cleanser that deep cleans but doesn't dry me out. This is paraben/synthetic fragrance/phthalate/mineraloil/formaldehyde donor/cruelty free. I will report back.
Seeing remnants of street art this week.
Walking to the library at lunch
Marking my calendar for our Show Us Your Books linkup on Tuesday, and hoping you do too. Spoiler alert: add this one to your list.
Appreciating Michelle & crew taking care of turnover at the shore house for me on Saturday. It is stressful for me to go away in the summer because I have control issues.
Thanking Mindy for staying with los perros so that alleviates my other stressful going away thing.
Reminding whoever needs a reminder that how others see you is not the definition of who you are.
Laughing at
What's new with you?

Linking up with Kristen
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