Friday Mom and I tried to head to the shore Thursday night but were forced back to my house by torrential rain and flash floods. We left at 5:15 Friday morning and had coffee and donuts before I started working. When guests checked out she helped me clean which was so awesome and cut that time in half. Someone completely blocked my driveway and I had the cops out twice trying to find the person to no avail, I even searched for them on facebook (names associated with tags but no phone number in the system) and knocked on all surrounding doors for a block. With new guests (hi Lisa!) on the way I had to get it moved. The owner miraculously arrived as his truck was being hooked up to a tow truck, he was let go, and all was well.
After work I painted my nails (trying something new from Pacifica in Temple with a gold topcoat) then Mom and I headed to the boardwalk. We ate at Ike's, strolled the boards, people watched, and had Kohr Bros before sitting on the porch with Bruce & Ben. The weather was absolutely superb, I could have lived outside Friday evening. Thanks the early wake-up, we were asleep by 10:00.
I was up at 4:45 to walk the dogs and made it down to the beach solo for a glorious sunrise. It was absolutely stunning and so nice to be down there alone with no dogs or anything.
Coffee on the porch, a long dog walk, a bit of cleanup, breakfast at the Beach Club, and I had my mom dropped off and I was home by 11. Thanks for all of your help mom and dinner and breakfast etc. I think it was the most time I've spent one on one with my mom ever and it was nice while also being helpful in my benefit LOL.
It was my first Saturday in Philly since March and I had grand plans to drop in on parties and explore a park but MFD and I were both tired from the week so we watched Jupiter Ascending and I read a book cover to cover out back before eating leftovers, sitting out back at night, starting another book, showering, and heading to bed. I did some shore laundry and he ran the dishwasher and did the lawn but that was it for us and that was fine. Everyone was tired from the week and the fresh air.
Saturday was also my BFF Michelle's birthday. Happy birthday Michelle! Love you forever. This is an old picture but one of my favorites.
Another awesome weather day. Coffee out back, grocery run, Father's day prep, laundry and hanging clothes out to dry, outdoor blogging, some random pickup and clean up around the house to prepare for the week, finishing the book I started Saturday night, and starting another.
Sunday late afternoon I stopped in at Mom & Rich's to see Rich for Father's Day then headed to Aubrey's parents' for Father's Day dinner with my Dad and Aubrey's family. It was a nice time as always. MFD headed to the shore for an overnight clean and address a sink leak. When I got home from dinner I replied to blog comments which I apparently haven't done in two weeks.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is greek yogurt with granola and mango. Snacks are hard boiled eggs that I freaking made in the air fryer and they're perfect (pre-heat five minutes, then cook at 260 for 15 minutes) and watermelon. I only need three days of lunch so that's either leftovers or my go to PB&J. Two dinners are pork chops in the air fryer with a side of spinach and sweet potatoes. I'll probably do scrambled eggs with a side of fruit a few nights too. For Father's Day I made a simple tomato and cucumber salad (dressing is 1/2 cup white balsamic, 1/4 cup olive oil, and water seasoned with black pepper, white pepper, ground mustard, garlic salt, and onion powder, and salt). and the simplest roll ups - hard salami with a little smear of whipped cream cheese stuffed with either banana peppers or pepperoncini and rolled up.

Hope you had a good one!
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