Friday I worked from home because my oven was getting repaired after over 40 days of not working. Hallelujah and amen. I got to zero inbox in work and personal emails.
At lunch I ran errands to a thrift store and an antique store, gassed up the car, and hit Target. After work I washed couches, packed for the weekend, bagged up clothes I'm donating, picked up around the house, made macaroni salad and chicken drumsticks for the weekend, and a few things for the week. MFD left for a retreat and I got in bed early but didn't go to sleep until after 12.
I was on my way to the shore by 6. Smooth ride until a block from my house when Gus shit in the car, four dogs tracked it all over, I nearly lost my fucking mind on a store owner talking to me about parking (on the street, mind, not in a lot) as my dogs were escaping the shit mobile and being a totally indecent human being. I can't go on I am getting pissed all over again. I cleaned that up, walked dogs in pairs, rode my bike to the library to take refuge there for a bit, then holed up in my apartment with a book for most of the day until Debbie arrived.
We ate and ordered wine and had an impromptu concert on the porch courtesy of the guy across the street. MFD rolled in around 8. We walked Bruce & Bender far to an ice cream place that had to have over 100 people in line, turned around and went to the one a block from home.
After coffee on the porch and dog walks, Debbie and I hit the beach and people watched. We did not discuss what people were wearing or how they looked in what they were wearing...we discussed serious sunscreen issues. Lots of weird burns. We have surmised people are applying spray sunscreen on the beach, not rubbing it in, and thinking it's getting everywhere but it's not and the sunburns are getting real weird. I finished a book and started another, we got snacks and refilled drinks in our own cups at The Farm Stand at 14th, and MFD finally joined us. At night we did creepy face masks and watched Wine Country.
Monday Debbie left after porch coffee and MFD and I hit the beach.
It was a spectacular day. I finished a book and read half of another. We didn't leave until almost 7.
Our renters had gone by the time we got back. We jumped right in the car and took the dogs to Dog Beach. Bender did okay. Gus was chasing balls with other dogs like he's not nearly 14 years old. Mae found a group of women with a sweet blanket and umbrella setup and joined them. Bruce was dashing through the sand. It wore them right out.
We meant to do things when we got back, but we put Billions on, I did this and wondered why I don't live here full time. We had a great weekend.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is breakfast burritos I made Friday and froze. Snacks are power breakfast muffins and bell peppers. Lunch is PB&J and a banana. Dinners are probably grilled chicken and veggies.

I'm working from the shore today because we're getting a toilet replaced and the exterminator is coming for the annual no ants treatment and MFD is heading home with the dogs.
Let's make it a good one!
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