Friday began early and was long and stressful. Luckily my canine coworkers were good for some comfort and laughs. I dipped out at lunch to pick up a book from the library and supplies from the city for the Saturday cleanup. MFD arrived late afternoon and did his shore chores. My dad and Carol got there around 8 and we had pizza and talked until about 10. I was up until after 12:30 finishing a book.
Saturday I slept in until 7, then MFD, Carol and I did our beach cleanup while my Dad started on projects.
MFD left at 10 with Gus and Mae and we got to work: I changed out bedding on the third floor, Carol and I organized mattress encasements and protectors, Carol filled my new shell lamp and went through the kitchen towels to pull the bad ones, we lined the powder room windows with film since the new curtains are more sheer, my Dad hung some stuff and moved some stuff around, and I cleaned out the oven manually. Dad also fixed the rusted out hinges on the outside shower door and removed caulk and re-caulked one of the showers.
Other Saturday stuff: windy AF, dog walks, Carol dog sitting, Dad and Carol took me to lunch at Kessel's Korner (first time!) for a delicious burger and onion rings and to dinner at Luigi's. Thanks for the project help, supplies, and food!
After dinner was the oven cleaning, some new canvas prints ordering, Phillies win, and car packing.
Dad and Carol cleaned upstairs and my Dad put a new doorknob on the door of the room he stays in because he didn't like the old one LOL. I was up to vacuum upstairs, finishing picking up, and hit the road. Adulting is careening down the Expressway, mainlining coffee, and listening to Black Sabbath while planning a bathroom stop before the March of Dimes March for Babies walk. Team Eva the Diva killed it again with three new canine members - B.B., Bruce, and Bender. Bruce was a loon and Bender had to be carried most of the way but when he was down Nina was walking him and I could concentrate on Bruce the fool. Some pics stolen from Amanda.
I meant to do a lot of things when I got home but I was wiped. I managed a load of laundry, marinating chicken, making breakfasts, painting my nails, and cleaning out the fridge. Otherwise I was sedentary with the dogs, reading.
Game of Thrones.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is scrambled eggs with spinach, ham, and everything bagel seasoning. I was going to make a bunch of other shit but surprise my oven which worked when the goddamn repair person came out IS NOT WORKING AGAIN and I was over it. Three lunches needed, they'll be leftovers. Grilled chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, and veggies for a few dinners and pasta with veggie meat sauce for a few

Hope yours was fab.