Friday I finished a book and we watched The Dirt, the Motley Crue biopic on Netflix, which was campy as hell but I liked it.
Saturday I showered, packed, made iced coffee, wiped down the bathrooms, and went to Target before hitting the road for the shore with Bruce and Bender. It was about 50 but windy as hell down there. It didn't stop us from spending an hour on the beach right off the bat. Just another reminder about where balloons released end up: in the ocean tostrangke marine life and then washed ashore.
Saturday night I went to ACME, picked up one of the better cheesesteaks I've had in quite a while at Mario's, painted my nails (OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook), ate chocolate cake ($2 a slice and damn delicious, thank you ACME), lounged and started a new book, watched some of The Great British Baking Show, and put legs on the new heater I bought for the apartment.
Sunday The best friend dogs kept barking at nothing all night so less sleep than desired but we spent 45 minutes on the beach at sunrise and it was all good. I did a run through of the upstairs pulling curtains that need to be replaced so I can see what sizes I need and mentally preparing for the upstairs clean that will hopefully happen next weekend - the hot water heater is still missing a part. I read a bit and had the coffee, packed up the car, and we took a 45 minute walk through town before hitting the road around 11:15.
It took an eternity to get home because a tractor trailer flipped on my exit for the third time in like two months gridlocking the entire area. SLOW IT THE FUCK DOWN. It took me 45 minutes to get home from 10 minutes away. At home I cleaned up the yard a bit, much more elbow grease is required there.
Then I went to cook dinner and my oven wouldn’t work and I lost my damn mind, did more rage yard cleaning, threw shit in a crockpot, took a shower, and ate pop tarts.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is egg sandwiches on english muffins with cheese. Snacks are bell peppers and granola mix. I only need three days of lunch so that'll be leftovers. Frying the eggs is the only thing I actually did though. Sunday dinner was supposed to be roasted potatoes and baked chicken but my oven is on the fritz, don't fucking get me started. Really.

Monday again jiggity jig.
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