2. Happiness is dogs in the sun.
3. Happiness is justice, albeit late and with conditions that should not apply..
4. Happiness is feeling represented by women who did not come to play. Happiness is also street art (by Hystericalmen, 5th & Bainbridge in Philly).
5. Happiness is getting back to some technical writing about travel - I've almost forgotten how to write about something I don't know much about, haven't experienced personally, or don't feel deeply about.
6. Happiness is washing and reusing flannel pieces instead of throwing out single use face wipes and cotton balls.
7. Happiness is another weekend of no plans, but definite plans to see my niece and nephew tonight.
8. Happiness is being open to possibility instead of saying no outright to things we have told ourselves can't be done or convinced ourselves must wait.
9. Happiness is reminding each other that we should not surrender all joy for an idea we used to have about ourselves that just isn't true anymore.
10. Happiness is all lounge attire, all the time.
What appears after the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts is a song lyric to whatever I'm listening to when I start to write the post. This week is Angels of the Silences by Counting Crows.
What's your happiness this week, big, small, or in between?

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